

单词 central



C0200600 (sĕn′trəl)adj.1. Situated at, in, or near the center: the central states.2. Forming the center.3. Having dominant or controlling power or influence: the company's central office.4. Of basic importance; essential or principal: "Performance, including technological invention and artistic creation, will become central to education at all levels" (Frederick Turner).5. Easily reached from various points: a central location for the new store.6. Of or constituting a single source controlling all components of a system: central air conditioning.7. Anatomy a. Of, relating to, or originating from the nervous system.b. Relating to a centrum.8. Linguistics Articulated in the middle of the oral cavity; neither front nor back. Used of vowels, as the u in cut.9. Holding to a moderate ideological position between two extremes.n.1. a. A telephone exchange.b. An operator at a telephone exchange.2. a. A location or agency for the control or coordination of a group of related activities: air command central.b. Informal A location or area of intense activity: Their apartment was party central on weekends.
[Latin centrālis, from centrum, center; see center.]
cen′tral·ly adv.


(ˈsɛntrəl) adj1. in, at, of, from, containing, or forming the centre of something: the central street in a city; the central material of a golf ball. 2. main, principal, or chief; most important: the central cause of a problem. 3. (Anatomy) a. of or relating to the central nervous systemb. of or relating to the centrum of a vertebra4. (Phonetics & Phonology) of, relating to, or denoting a vowel articulated with the tongue held in an intermediate position halfway between the positions for back and front vowels, as for the a of English soda5. (General Physics) (of a force) directed from or towards a point6. informal (immediately postpositive) used to describe a place where a specified thing, quality, etc is to be found in abundance: nostalgia central. ˈcentrally adv


(ˈsɛn trəl)

adj. 1. of or forming the center. 2. in, at, or near the center: a central position. 3. constituting something from which other related things proceed or upon which they depend: a central office. 4. principal; chief; dominant. 5. of or pertaining to the central nervous system. 6. (of a vowel) articulated with the tongue approximately midway between the front and back of the mouth, as the vowel (u) of shut. n. 7. (formerly) a. a main telephone exchange. b. a telephone operator at such an exchange. [1640–50; < Latin centrālis=centr(um) center + -ālis -al1] cen′tral•ly, adv.


(ˈsɛn trəl)

n. a region in central Scotland. 273,400. 1016 sq. mi. (2631 sq. km).
Noun1.central - a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communicationcentral - a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communicationtelephone exchange, exchangecentrex - (CENTRal EXchange) a kind of telephone exchangepatchboard, plugboard, switchboard - telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcordsphone system, telephone system - a communication system that transmits sound between distant pointsworkplace, work - a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today"
Adj.1.central - serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure"cardinal, fundamental, key, primalimportant, of import - of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"
2.central - in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"peripheral - on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs"


adjective1. inner, middle, mid, interior She had a house in central London.
inner outer, exterior, outermost
2. main, chief, key, essential, primary, principal, fundamental, focal The Poll Tax was a central part of Mrs Thatcher's reform of local government.
main minor, secondary, subsidiary, subordinate


adjective1. At, in, near, or being the center:center, medial, median, mid, middle.2. Not extreme:intermediate, mean, medial, median, mid, middle, middle-of-the-road, midway.3. Dominant in importance or influence:key, pivotal.


(ˈsentrəl) adjective1. belonging to or near the centre (eg of a town). His flat is very central. 中心的 中心的2. principal or most important. the central point of his argument. 主要的 主要的ˈcentralize, ˈcentralise verb to bring under one control. 集中控制,集權中央 集中控制,把…集中于中央 ˌcentraliˈzation, ˌcentraliˈsation noun 集中控制,中央集權 集中,中央集权化 ˈcentrally adverbcentrally situated. 集中地 集中地central heating heating of a building by water, steam or air through pipes from one central boiler etc. 中央暖氣系統 中央暖气系统ˌcentral ˈprocessing ˌunit nounsee CPU. 中央處理器 中央处理器




(straight) from central casting

(sometimes capitalized as Central Casting) Having, fitting, or conforming to well-established stereotypical traits or characteristics of a given type of person, character, group, situation, or style. The phrase is a reference to Central Casting, a California-based casting company that specializes in hiring for roles as extras, body doubles, and for bit parts. My grandfather looks like a cowboy from central casting, with his boots, Stetson hat, and mouth full of chewing tobacco. It was a campy, schlocky B-movie, complete with pointless romance, cheesy special effects, and an alien monster straight from Central Casting.See also: casting, central

(straight) out of central casting

(sometimes capitalized as Central Casting) Having, fitting, or conforming to well-established stereotypical traits or characteristics of a given type of person, character, group, situation, or style. The phrase is a reference to Central Casting, a California-based casting company that specializes in hiring for roles as extras, body doubles, and for bit parts. My grandfather looks like a cowboy out of central casting, with his boots, Stetson hat, and mouth full of chewing tobacco. It was a campy, schlocky B-movie, complete with pointless romance, cheesy special effects, and an alien monster straight out of Central Casting.See also: casting, central, of, out

central dogma

The core belief of a particular area of study. It is often used in molecular biology to describe the relationship between DNA, RNA, and proteins. The central dogma of molecular biology is that DNA makes RNA, which makes protein.See also: central

Grand Central Station

A place that is very busy or chaotic, like New York City's Grand Central Terminal train station. The benefits area of our HR department becomes like Grand Central Station once open enrollment starts. So many people coming and going—geez, it's like Grand Central Station in here.See also: central, grand, station

*busy as a beaver (building a new dam)

 and *busy as a bee; *busy as a one-armed paperhanger; *busy as Grand Central Station; *busy as a cat on a hot tin roof; *busy as a fish peddler in Lent; *busy as a cranberry merchant (at Thanksgiving); *busy as popcorn on a skilletvery busy. (*Also: as ~.) My boss keeps me as busy as a one-armed paperhanger. I don't have time to talk to you. I'm as busy as a beaver. When the tourist season starts, this store is busy as Grand Central Station. Sorry I can't go to lunch with you. I'm as busy as a beaver building a new dam. Prying into other folks' business kept him busy as popcorn on a skillet.See also: beaver, busy

busy as a beaver

Also, busy as a bee. Hardworking, very industrious, as in With all her activities, Sue is always busy as a bee, or Bob's busy as a beaver trying to finish painting before it rains. The comparison to beavers dates from the late 1700s, the variant from the late 1300s. Also see eager beaver; work like a beaver. See also: beaver, busy

Grand Central Station

n. any busy and hectic place. (From Grand Central Station in New York City—a very busy place.) At just about closing time, this place becomes Grand Central Station. See also: central, grand, station



1. a. of or relating to the central nervous system b. of or relating to the centrum of a vertebra 2. (of a force) directed from or towards a point



 [sen´tral] pertaining to a center; located at the midpoint.central cord syndrome injury to the central portion of the cervical spinal cord resulting in disproportionately more weakness or paralysis in the upper extremities than in the lower; pathological change is caused by hemorrhage or edema. Central cord syndrome. From Ignatavicius and Workman, 2002.central fever sustained fever resulting from damage to the thermoregulatory centers of the hypothalamus.central nervous system the portion of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. See also Plate 14.central venous catheterization insertion of an indwelling catheter into a central vein for administering fluid and medications and for measuring central venous pressure. The most common sites of insertion are the jugular and subclavian veins; however, such large peripheral veins as the saphenous and femoral veins can be used in an emergency even though they offer some disadvantages. The procedure is performed under sterile conditions and placement of the catheter is verified by x-rays before fluids are administered or central venous pressure measurements are made.
Selection of a large central vein in preference to a smaller peripheral vein for the administration of therapeutic agents is based on the nature and amount of fluid to be injected. Central veins are able to accommodate large amounts of fluid when shock or hemorrhage demands rapid replacement. The larger veins are less susceptible to irritation from caustic drugs and from hypertonic nutrient solutions administered during parenteral nutrition.Patient Care. Patients who have central venous lines are subject to a variety of complications. Air embolism is most likely to occur at the time a newly inserted catheter is connected to the intravenous tubing. Introduction of air into the system can be avoided by having the patient hold his breath and contract the abdominal muscles while the catheter and tubing are being connected. This maneuver increases intrathoracic pressure; if the patient is not able to cooperate, the connection should be made at the end of exhalation.
Sepsis is a potential complication of any intravenous therapy. It is especially dangerous for patients with central venous lines because they are seriously ill and less able to ward off infections. Careful cleansing of the insertion site, sterile technique during insertion, periodic changing of tubing and catheter, and firmly anchoring the catheter to prevent movement and irritation are all essential for the prevention of sepsis.
Formation of a clot at the tip of the catheter is indicated if the rate of flow of intravenous fluids decreases measurably or if there is no fluctuation of fluid in the fluid column. Preventive measures include maintaining a constant flow of intravenous fluids by IV pump or controller, periodic flushing of the catheter, heparin as prescribed, and looping and securing the catheter carefully to avoid kinks that impede the flow of fluids. Cardiac arrhythmias can occur if the tip of the catheter comes into contact with the atrial or ventricular wall. Changing the patient's position may eliminate the problem, but if ectopic rhythm persists, additional interventions are warranted.
central venous pressure (CVP) the pressure of blood in the right atrium. Measurement of central venous pressure is made possible by the insertion of a catheter through the median cubital vein to the superior vena cava. The distal end of the catheter is attached to a manometer (or transducer and monitor) on which can be read the amount of pressure being exerted by the blood inside the right atrium or the vena cava. The manometer is positioned at the bedside so that the zero point is at the level of the right atrium. Each time the patient's position is changed the zero point on the manometer must be reset. For a multilumen catheter the distal port is used to measure central venous pressure; for a pulmonary artery catheter the proximal port is used.
An arterial line can also be used to monitor the central venous pressure. The waveform for a tracing of the pressure reflects contraction of the right atrium and the concurrent effect of the ventricles and surrounding major vessels. It consists of a, c, and v ascending (or positive) waves and x and y descending (or negative) waves. Since systolic atrial pressure (a) and diastolic (v) pressure are almost the same, the reading is taken as an average or mean of the two.
The normal range for CVP is 0 to 5 mm H2O. A reading of 15 to 20 mm usually indicates inability of the right atrium to accommodate the current blood volume. However, the trend of response to rapid administration of fluid is more significant than the specific level of pressure. Normally the right heart can circulate additional fluids without an increase in central venous pressure. If the pressure is elevated in response to rapid administration of a small amount of fluid, there is indication that the patient is hypervolemic in relation to the pumping action of the right heart. Thus, CVP is used as a guide to the safe administration of replacement fluids intravenously, particularly in patients who are subject to edema" >pulmonary edema. Central venous pressure indirectly indicates the efficiency of the heart's pumping action; however, pulmonary artery pressure is more accurate for this purpose.
A high venous pressure may indicate heart failure" >congestive heart failure, hypervolemia, tamponade" >cardiac tamponade in which the heart is unable to fill, or vasoconstriction, which affects the heart's ability to empty its chambers. Conversely, a low venous pressure indicates hypovolemia and possibly a need to increase fluid intake.


(sĕn′trəl)adj. Anatomy a. Of, relating to, or originating from the nervous system.b. Relating to a centrum.
cen′tral·ly adv.

Patient discussion about central

Q. Is fibromyalgia related to Central Nervous System? Is fibromyalgia related to Central Nervous System? Among men and women who is more prone to the symptoms of fibromyalgia?A. here is a quote from the National Fibromyalgia Association site:
"Little research has been conducted that measures the prevalence of fibromyalgia, and estimates vary widely as to the proportion of male versus female patients. A 1999 epidemiology study conducted in London found a female to male ratio of roughly three to one. However, a 2001 review of the research literature in Current Rheumatology Reports stated the ratio was nine to one."

Q. Do you know where can I find alcoholism treatment centers in Forest Grove, Pennsylvania? My stepmother is asking for my help to find an alcoholism treatment center where she can admit her daughter. Sabina, my stepsister has been addicted to alcohol ever since our dad died. Though we weren't very close, I still want her back to her normal state for she's still my sister. Please help me.A. Look in the phone book for AA or Alcoholics Anonymous and call and you will find the best answer for your particular questions. Don't wait.
Pittsburgh Area Central Office
401 Wood Street
Suite 906
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
United States
Site: www.pghaa.org
Email: ofcmgr@pghaa.org

24 Hour Answering Service (Washington, PA)
Washington, PENNSYLVANIA 15301
United States
521 Club, The - A recovery clubhouse. Hosts Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. (717) 299-9397 or (717) 509-6920. 2400 Butter Road. Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Northeastern Pennsylvania Alcoholics Anonymous - Includes Forest City, Hotline (570) 654-0488.

Q. What happens in rehab centers? How do they “cure” alcoholics and drug addicts? A. REHAB;for alcoholics are the same as rehabs for drugs addicted people--alcohol is a drug,people learn how to deal with ther disease,they learn how to ask for help when they fell like drinking,they learn how to go to meetings everyday,they learn how to stay away from people places and things that remind them of drinking(bars)(friends).rehabs DO NOT CURE YOU they teach you how to cure yourself or stay away from alcohol/drugs---mrfoot56---peace

More discussions about central


Related to Central: central bank

CENTRAL. Relating to the centre, or placed in the centre; as, the central courts of the United States, are those located in the city of Washington, whose jurisdiction extends over the whole country. These are, first, the Senate of the United States, when organized to try impeachments; secondly, the Supreme Court of the United States.
2. The government of the United States is the central government.



CENTRALMET Police Crime Squad New Scotland Yard



Related to central: central bank
  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for central

adj inner


  • inner
  • middle
  • mid
  • interior


  • outer
  • exterior
  • outermost

adj main


  • main
  • chief
  • key
  • essential
  • primary
  • principal
  • fundamental
  • focal


  • minor
  • secondary
  • subsidiary
  • subordinate

Synonyms for central

adj at, in, near, or being the center


  • center
  • medial
  • median
  • mid
  • middle

adj not extreme


  • intermediate
  • mean
  • medial
  • median
  • mid
  • middle
  • middle-of-the-road
  • midway

adj dominant in importance or influence


  • key
  • pivotal

Synonyms for central

noun a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication


  • telephone exchange
  • exchange

Related Words

  • centrex
  • patchboard
  • plugboard
  • switchboard
  • phone system
  • telephone system
  • workplace
  • work

adj serving as an essential component


  • cardinal
  • fundamental
  • key
  • primal

Related Words

  • important
  • of import

adj in or near a center or constituting a center


  • peripheral




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