Acronym | Definition |
CSCA➣Chambre Syndicale des Courtiers d'Assurances (French: Union Chamber of Insurance Brokers) |
CSCA➣California School of Culinary Arts (Pasadena, CA) |
CSCA➣Canadian Special Crops Association |
CSCA➣Comité de Solidaridad con la Causa Árabe (Spanish: Committee of Solidarity with the Arab Cause; Spain) |
CSCA➣Central States Communication Association |
CSCA➣Country Signing Certificate Authority (ePassports) |
CSCA➣Colorado School Counselor Association |
CSCA➣Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity |
CSCA➣Cambridge School of Culinary Arts (Cambridge, MA) |
CSCA➣Computer Supported Collaborative Argumentation |
CSCA➣Controlled Surface Contamination Area |
CSCA➣Conseil Supérieur de la Communication Audiovisuelle (French) |
CSCA➣Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association |
CSCA➣Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam |
CSCA➣Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation |
CSCA➣Certified Supply Chain Analyst |
CSCA➣Clumber Spaniel Club of America |
CSCA➣Columbus Society of Communicating Arts |
CSCA➣California Studies in Classical Antiquity |
CSCA➣Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs |
CSCA➣California School Counselor Association |
CSCA➣Connecticut School Counselor Association |
CSCA➣College Swim Coaches Association |
CSCA➣Consortium for Standards and Conformity Assessment |
CSCA➣Coral Springs Center for the Arts (Coral Springs, FL) |
CSCA➣Conference of State Court Administrators (North Carolina) |
CSCA➣California State Collection of Arthropods |
CSCA➣Conference on Security and Cooperation in Asia |
CSCA➣Christchurch Suburban Cricket Association |
CSCA➣Connecticut State Chess Association |
CSCA➣Combined Services Caving Association (UK) |
CSCA➣Civil Service Clerical Association |
CSCA➣Center for the Study of Commercial Activity (Ryerson Technical University, Toronto, Canada) |
CSCA➣Central States Compensation Association (est. 1984; various states) |
CSCA➣California Speech Communication Association |
CSCA➣Centre for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence |
CSCA➣Corvallis Sister Cities Association |
CSCA➣CounterStrike Clan Austria (gaming) |
CSCA➣Cotuit Skiff Class Association |
CSCA➣California State Coroners' Association |
CSCA➣Curtin Students' Catholic Association |
CSCA➣Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations |
CSCA➣Central SC (South Carolina) Alliance |
CSCA➣Coyotes Skating Club of Arizona |
CSCA➣Cambridge Skills and Career Awards |
CSCA➣Camp Sherman Community Association |
CSCA➣Colorado Spirit Coaches Association |
CSCA➣Camp Springs Civic Association |
CSCA➣Command Safety Climate Assessment |
CSCA➣Common Short Codes Administration |
CSCA➣Corporate Standard for Compassionate Animals |
CSCA➣Cohen & Steers Capital Advisors, LLC |
CSCA➣Curtis Stokes Custom Airbrush |
CSCA➣Central Service Cost Allocation |
CSCA➣Center School Community Association |
CSCA➣Country Signer Certification Authority |
CSCA➣Calico Scallop Conservation Association |
CSCA➣Computer Supported Cooperative Authoring |
CSCA➣Combined Services Canoe Association |
CSCA➣Country Shire Councils Association of Western Australia |
CSCA➣Classical Soliton Cellular Automata |
CSCA➣Cost-Sharing Cooperative Agreement |
CSCA➣Concord School of Culinary Arts (London, UK) |
CSCA➣Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption (Viet Nam) |