Dolliver Memorial State Park

Dolliver Memorial State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:3 miles northwest of Lehigh, off IA 50.
Facilities:33 campsites with electrical hookups, restrooms, and showers; groupcamp with dining hall, showers, modern restrooms, and 10 sleepingcabins; family rental cabin that sleeps 4; picnic areas, 2 day-uselodges (é), open picnic shelter (é), hiking trail, boat ramp,playground.
Activities:Camping, fishing, boating, hiking.
Special Features:Natural and cultural features at the park include bluffs, canyons, theDes Moines River, Prairie Creek, and Indian mounds. A unique facet ofthe sandstone formations at Dolliver are the "Copperas Beds." The100-foot bluff on Prairie Creek is a cross-sectional view of an ancientriver bed that's over 150 million years old.
Address:2757 Dolliver Park Ave
Lehigh, IA 50557

Size: 600 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.