Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site

Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / North Dakota
Location:.25 miles east of the town of Abercrombie, on Richland County Road 4.
Facilities:Museum, park pavilion, recreational facilities (on the east edge of the town of Abercrombie); historic fort (further east).
Activities:Informational markers, self-guided tours, brochures, museum exhibits and displays.
Special Features:Fort Abercrombie was the first US military post established in what wasto become North Dakota and served as the gateway to several majortravel routes into the Dakota frontier from 1857 to 1878. It was alsothe only post in the area to be besieged by Dakota (Sioux) warriors formore than six weeks during the Dakota conflict of 1862. The fort todayis an outdoor museum consisting of a reconstructed palisade, tworeconstructed blockhouses, the original guardhouse, a reconstructedcannon bastion, and several "ghosted" buildings.
Address:PO Box 148
Abercrombie, ND 58001


See other parks in North Dakota.