Fort Atkinson State Historical Park

Fort Atkinson State Historical Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:1 mile east of Fort Calhoun and 9 miles northeast of Omaha.
Facilities:Historic structures, visitor center, picnic tables, hiking trails, modern restrooms.
Activities:Living history demonstrations, picnicking, hiking.
Special Features:Established in 1820 on the recommendation of the Lewis and ClarkExpedition, Fort Atkinson was the first US military post west of theMissouri River and was important toearly fur trade, river traffic, and Indian relations. Much of thehistoric outpost has been reconstructed, and living historydemonstrations are scheduled during the summer months.
Address:PO Box 240
Fort Calhoun, NE 68023

Size: 157 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.