Acronym | Definition |
FBT➣Fringe Benefit Tax |
FBT➣Flyback Transformer |
FBT➣Fused Biconic Taper (fiber optic connector) |
FBT➣Fixed Broadband Terminal |
FBT➣Family Behavior Therapy (various organizations) |
FBT➣Food, Beverages and Tobacco |
FBT➣First Business Travel |
FBT➣Feedback Technology |
FBT➣Functional Boxing Training |
FBT➣Funny but True |
FBT➣Federatie van de Belgische Textielverzorging (Dutch: Federation of Belgian Textile Care; Belgium) |
FBT➣Fire Boat |
FBT➣Floridians for Better Transportation |
FBT➣Fruit Basket Turnover |
FBT➣Fire Bell Test (UK; fire drill) |
FBT➣Florence Baptist Temple (Florence, SC) |
FBT➣Functional Board Test |
FBT➣Fédération des Bourses du Travail (French: Federation of Labor Exchanges; France) |
FBT➣Fused Biconic Technology |
FBT➣Fuel Bar Trioxine |
FBT➣Fixed Base Temporary (radio frequency) |
FBT➣F-Bus Terminator |
FBT➣Full Body Tourettes (Mike Patton song) |
FBT➣Fuse Blasting Time (ammunition) |