Clostridium histolyticum

Clos·trid·i·um his·to·ly't·i·cum

a bacterial species found in war wounds, where it induces necrosis of tissue; it produces cytolytic exotoxins that cause local necrosis and sloughing on injection; it is not toxic on feeding; it is pathogenic for small laboratory animals.

Clos·trid·i·um his·to·lyti·cum

(klos-trid'ē-ŭm his-tō-lit'i-kŭm) A bacterial species found in war wounds, where it induces necrosis of tissue; it produces a cytolytic exotoxin that causes local necrosis and sloughing on injection; it is not toxic on feeding; it is pathogenic for small laboratory animals.

Clostridium histolyticum

A species found in cases of gas gangrene. See also: Clostridium