Constantius I

Constantius I

(Constantius Chlorus) (kənstăn`shəs), c.250–306, Roman emperor (305–6). A career general, he gave up HelenaHelena, Saint
, c.248–328?, mother of Constantine I. She became a Christian in 313. According to tradition she found (327) the relic of the True Cross in Jerusalem and identified the location of the Holy Sepulcher. Feast: Aug. 18.
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 to marry Theodora, the daughter of MaximianMaximian
(Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus) , d. 310, Roman emperor, with Diocletian (286–305). An able commander, he was made caesar (subemperor) by Diocletian in 285 and augustus in 286.
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. He was made caesar (subemperor) under Maximian in 293 and gained prestige when his forces defeated the rebel CarausiusCarausius
, d. 293, Gallo-Roman military commander. He was stationed in Gaul, but Emperor Maximian suspected him of conspiring with the Germans and condemned him to death. Carausius fled to Britain and established his rule there, defying attempts to conquer him.
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. He went to Britain in 296, where he put down a rebellion of Carausius' successor, Allectus. Returning to Gaul, he defeated the Alemanni in 298. His vigor and his moderation made him popular with the people of the colonies as well as with his soldiers. The two emperors, DiocletianDiocletian
(Caius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) , 245–313, Roman emperor (284–305), b. near Salona, Dalmatia (the modern Split, Croatia). Of humble birth, he obtained high military command under Probus and Aurelian and fought under Carus in Persia.
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 and Maximian, abdicated in 305, and Constantius and GaleriusGalerius
(Caius Galerius Valerius Maximinianus) , d. 310, Roman emperor (305–10). Diocletian appointed him caesar for the eastern part of the empire in 293 (Constantius I was caesar of the West). He had to conduct hard campaigns in Pannonia and Asia.
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 became emperors. The next year, however, Constantius died at York. On his death the imperial throne was claimed by his son Constantine (Constantine IConstantine I
or Constantine the Great
, 288?–337, Roman emperor, b. Naissus (present-day Niš, Serbia). He was the son of Constantius I and Helena and was named in full Flavius Valerius Constantinus.
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), but the office was long contested.