

单词 dom



D0331200 (dŏm)n.1. (also dōN) Used formerly as a title for male members of Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, aristocracy, and hierarchy, preceding the given name.2. Roman Catholic Church Used as a title before the names of Benedictine and Carthusian monks in major or minor orders.
[Portuguese, from Latin dominus, lord, master; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]


(dɒm) n1. (Roman Catholic Church) (sometimes capital) RC Church a title given to Benedictine, Carthusian, and Cistercian monks and to certain of the canons regular2. (Historical Terms) (formerly in Portugal and Brazil) a title borne by royalty, princes of the Church, and nobles[C18 (monastic title): from Latin dominus lord]


abbreviation for 1. (Architecture) Deo Optimo Maximo 2. informal Dirty Old Man abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Dominican Republic (international car registration) [(for sense 1) Latin: to God, the best, the Greatest]


(dɒm; for 2 also Port. dɔ̃)

n. 1. (sometimes cap.) a title of a monk in certain monastic orders. 2. (usu. cap.) a Portuguese title affixed to a man's given name; Sir: formerly a title of certain dignitaries. [1710–20; short for Latin dominus lord, master]


a suffix forming nouns that refer to domain (kingdom), collection of persons (officialdom), rank or station (earldom), or general condition (freedom). [Middle English; Old English -dōm; c. Old Norse -dōmr, German -tum; see doom]


1. Dominica. 2. Dominican.


1. domain. 2. domestic. 3. dominant. 4. dominion.



(dōm), peak, 14,942 ft (4,554 m) high, Valais canton, S Switzerland, in the Mischabelhörner group. It is the highest peak entirely in Switzerland.


Document Object Model


(1) See disk on module.

(2) (Document Object Model) A programming interface (API) from the W3C that lets applications and scripts access the content of HTML, XML and XHTML files in a hierarchical tree structure. The DOM was introduced in 1998.

A Web Page Looks Like a Tree
The DOM implementation lays out the tags in the Web page as a hierarchical tree. In 2000, Level 2 (DOM2) gave the programmer a standard way to handle events associated with elements such as mouse down, mouse click and mouse over. Events may be preprocessed at any tag location from the top of the tree to the target tag at the bottom ("capture" phase) and then back up ("bubbling" phase). These phases were implemented to be backward compatible with earlier Netscape and IE browsers.

XML Data Looks Like a Database
The DOM converts XML documents into a hierarchical node tree in memory that looks like a database record. The node tree allows updating in a similar manner to database updating, making data exchange between XML documents and databases more straightforward. Without DOM turning the document into an object model and handling the updating, the text and tags in an XML document would have to be scanned sequentially and rearranged by the program. See DOM implementation, DOM application, SAX and object model.

Nodes in an XML Record
DOM converts (parses) an XML document into a hierarchical node tree. Writing an XML update program is then similar to writing a database update program, using the same kinds of functions available in a database management system (DBMS).



Abbreviation for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine.


A gene on chromosome 22q13.1 that encodes a member of the SOX (SRY-related HMG-box) family of transcription factors, which regulate embryonic development and determine cell fate. SOX10 may act as a transcription activator after forming a complex with other proteins; it acts as a nucleocytoplasmic shuttle protein and is important for neural crest and peripheral nervous system development.
Molecular pathology
SOX10 mutations cause Waardenburg-Shah and Waardenburg-Hirschsprung disease.



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for the Dominican Republic. The code is used for transactions to and from DR bank accounts and for international shipping to the DR. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


DOMDocument Object Model
DOMDays On Market (real estate term)
DOMDominican Republic (ISO Country code)
DOMDissolved Organic Matter
DOMDisk on Module (Flash memory module)
DOMDomenica (Italian: Sunday)
DOMDepartment of Management (various organizations)
DOMDirector of Music
DOMDepartment of Mathematics (various schools)
DOMDivision of Management (various organizations)
DOMDirection of Motion
DOMDate Of Marriage (geneological term)
DOMDecade of the Mind (conference)
DOMDissolution of Marriage (divorce)
DOMDirector of Manufacturing (various companies)
DOMDay of Month (US DoD)
DOMDepartment of Meteorology (various locations)
DOMDivision of Minerals (Nevada)
DOMDate of Maturity
DOMDoctor of Oriental Medicine
DOMDistributed Object Management
DOMDirty Old Man
DOMDirector of Marketing
DOMDrawn Over Mandrel (metal-shaping process)
DOMDistributed Order Management
DOMDepartamento de Obras Municipais (Portuguese: Department of Municipal Works)
DOMDéfiscalisation Outre-Mer (French: Overseas Taxation)
DOMDominion of Melchizedek (micronation)
DOMDocument Object Management
DOMDown Optimization Module
DOMDisk on Module
DOMDell Open Manage
DOMData on Master Group
DOMDate of Manufacture
DOMDesign Out Maintenance (engineering)
DOMDead Organic Matter (biology)
DOMDepartements d'Outremer (French: Overseas Counties)
DOMDeo Optimo Maximo (Latin: To God, Best and Greatest)
DOMDiscrete Ordinate Method
DOM4-Methyl-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (psychedelic drug; aka STP)
DOMDistribution Organes Mécaniques (French: Distribution Powertrains)
DOMDepartment of Mysteries (Harry Potter)
DOMDirector of Membership
DOMDrinks on Me
DOMDistribution Operation Manager (various companies)
DOMDental Operatory Microscope
DOMDigital Optical Module
DOMDomino Object Model (old definition)
DOMDigital Output Module
DOMDipartimenti d'Oltremare (Italian: Overseas Department)
DOMDeveloper, Owner and Manager
DOMDépartment d'Outre-Mer (French Overseas Department, similar to a territory)
DOMDirectorate of Information Management (COE)
DOMDose Monitor
DOMDepartment Operations Manual (California Department of Corrections)
DOMDominica, Dominica - Melville Hal-Dom (Airport Code)
DOMDelete Operator Message (Netview command)
DOMDoctrine Organization Training
DOMDominator (archetype in the game City of Villains)
DOMDigital Ohm Meter
DOMDisk Orchestra Module (Yahama Clavinova)
DOMDirectorate of Materiel (US Army)
DOMData Only Module (Nortel)
DOMDisaster Operations Manual (FEMA)
DOMDegree of Multiprogramming
DOMData Output Message
DOMDepartmental Operations Manager
DOMDirection des Opérations de Marché (French: Branch Operations Market)
DOMDecimal Order of Magnitude
DOMDistributed Operations Master
DOMDate of Mortgage
DOMData Origin Level – Manual Input
DOMDrawn Over Metal
DOMDistant-Organ Metastasis (pathology)
DOMDescription, Operation & Maintenance
DOMDirector Of Naval Oceanography & Meteorology
DOMDirector Of Maintenance
DOMDigital Optical Monitoring
DOMDivision of Overseas Ministries




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