Dundee International Guitar Festival

Dundee International Guitar Festival

JulyThe seaside town of Dundee, Scotland, is hardly a European epicenter; nonetheless, it has become the site of one of Europe's most prominent classical guitar festivals. Virtuosos come from the world's most prestigious conservatories to perform and lead master classes over the course of one weekend. The first festival in 1991 was a local affair, but over the years it has expanded to become an internationally recognized event.
The festival's concerts and educational programs cater particularly to young guitar students. Along with featuring international greats like Paul Galbraith and John Williams, the program also features a Young Artists Platform that puts aspiring guitarists in the spotlight. Many of the instructional subjects are designed in response to students' suggestions; and reduced rates are available for the younger players who cannot afford the full admission.
Dundee Guitar Festival
Dundee Contemporary Arts
152 Nethergate
Dundee DD1 4DY Scotland