Central Council of the Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization
Central Council of the Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization
a public body that directs the work of the republic, krai, okrug, city, and urban district councils of the Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization on the basis of the Rules of the Komsomol. The resolution establishing the Central Council was approved by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol in 1957. A body similar to the Central Council—the Central Bureau of the Children’s Communist Organization—existed in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
The membership of the Central Council and the Bureau of the Central Council is confirmed by the Central Committee of the Komsomol and includes Pioneer leaders; editors of Pioneer newspapers and magazines; chairmen of the councils of the Pioneer organizations of the Union republics and of the krais and oblasts of the RSFSR; people who work in extracurricular institutions; representatives of state and public organizations; and people active in the areas of science and culture.
The Central Council draws up and adopts resolutions and recommendations on the content, forms, and methods of the work of Pioneer organizations in Pioneer camps, palaces and houses of Pioneers and schoolchildren, and other extracurricular institutions, including those centered in schools and in places of residence. Through the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Central Council submits proposals to state agencies and public organizations on educational work with children and adolescents and on the training of personnel for the Pioneer organizations. Together with the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Central Council publishes the newspaper Pionerskaia pravda and the magazines Pioner, Vozhatyi, Koster, Iunyi naturalist, Iunyi tekhnik, Murzilka, and Veselye kartinki.
The Central Council of the Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization maintains contacts with the International Committee of Children’s and Youth Organizations, with foreign Pioneer organizations, and with other children’s democratic organizations abroad.