Big Delta State Historical Park

Big Delta State Historical Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Alaska
Location:8 miles north of Delta Junction at milepost 274.5 on Richardson Highway.
Facilities:23 RV campsites, picnic area, toilets (é), drinking water, trails, museum, gift shop, restaurant.
Activities:Camping, picnicking, hiking, tours.
Special Features:This site was an important crossroad for travelers, traders, and themilitary during the early days of the 20th century. Rika's Roadhouse,the centerpiece of the park, served travelers of the historicValdez-to-Fairbanks Trail from 1909 to 1947.
Address:c/o Northern Area Office
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Size: 11 acres.

See other parks in Alaska.