Evgeni Ganchev Kamenov
Kamenov, Evgeni Ganchev
Born Dec 29, 1908, in Sofia. Bulgarian statesman and public figure; economist; academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1960); Honored Scientist (1969). Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1931.
Kamenov fought in the antifascist resistance movement and was detained in concentration camps in 1941 and 1944. Deputy minister of foreign affairs from 1948 to 1951, he directed the Institute of Economics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 1951 to 1954. He was in the diplomatic service from 1954 to 1960 and became secretary of the Division of Philosophy, Economics, and Law of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1960. Kamenov is the author of works on problems of socialist economics and of economic relations with capitalist countries.
Piroda i obshchestvo. Sofia, 1939Geografskoto polozhenie i prirodnite osobenosti na Bulgariia, ot razeni v stopanskoto i razvitie. Sofia, 1944.
Ikonomikata na narodnite demokratsii. Sofia, 1949.
Ikonomicheskata pomoshch na Suvetskiia suiuz—reshavashch faktor za izgrazhdaneto na sotsializma v Bulgariia. Sofia, 1955.
Ikonomicheskite otnosheniia mezhdu sotsialisticheskite i kapitalistiches-kite strani: Obektivni predpostavki i kharakterni cherti. Sofia, 1960.