

单词 csi



abbreviation for (Law) crime scene investigation


Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)

A non-profit technical organization serving construction specifiers and related building professionals in the US. CSI publishes MasterFormat jointly with the Construction Specifications Canada. Head office: 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, VA 22314.



Abbreviation for Calculus Surface Index.
Environment Compliance Sampling Inspection. The collecting of samples for laboratory analysis, in particular to identify the types of hazardous wastes managed on-site
Nutrition Cholesterol/saturated fat index. Wild game is lean and has cholesterol levels of 5/100 g vs. > 15/100 g for today’s meat, a finding that may explain why Neanderthals did not suffer from cardiovascular disease
Popular media The title of a number of popular TV programs, named for the abbreviation of their topic: Crime Scene Investigation

Caregiver Stress Inventory



A 50-item scale specific to professionals caring for dependent patients. It is divided into three subscales measuring stress related to the patient's verbal and physical behavior, the patient's mental, emotional, and social behavior, and the resources, knowledge, and abilities of the staff.


Abbreviation for Calculus Surface Index.
FinancialSeeCommodity Selection Index


CSICrime Scene Investigator
CSICompuServe, Inc.
CSICrime Scene Investigation (CBS TV show)
CSIConstruction Specifications Institute
CSIChannel State Information
CSICalifornia Solar Initiative
CSICollege of Staten Island (City University of New York)
CSICommodity Systems, Inc.
CSICommodity Systems Inc. (Boca Raton, FL)
CSIChristian Schools International
CSIComputer Security Institute
CSIChi Sigma Iota
CSIContainer Security Initiative (US Department of Homeland Security)
CSIContainer Security Initiative (US Customs Service)
CSICentro Sportivo Italiano (Italian Sports Centre)
CSICentral States Indemnity (Omaha, NE)
CSIConsumer Source, Inc. (Virginia)
CSICustomer Satisfaction Index
CSIComputer Society of India
CSIContinual Service Improvement (ITIL)
CSIChristian Solidarity International
CSICité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (French: City of Sciences and Industry)
CSICombat Studies Institute
CSICigar Store Indian (advertisement figure)
CSIConstruction Services, Inc. (various locations)
CSICreative Specialties International
CSICenter for the Study of Intelligence (US CIA)
CSICentral Sindical Independiente (Spanish: Independent Trade Union)
CSIConfédération Syndicale Internationale (French: International Trade Union Confederation)
CSICommunications Systems, Inc. (various locations)
CSICamera Serial Interface (Mobile Industry Processor Interface Alliance)
CSICardiovascular Systems, Inc. (St. Paul, MN)
CSICustomer Service Improvement (various organizations)
CSICivil Society Institute (Newton Centre, Massachusetts)
CSICentre for Social Impact (Australia)
CSIChurch of Scientology International (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
CSIComputer Services Inc.
CSICentro Servizi Immobiliari (Italian: Real Estate Service Center)
CSIConfederación Sindical Internacional (Spanish)
CSIComputer Solutions, Inc. (various locations)
CSICommittee for Skeptical Inquiry (Amherst, NY)
CSICommunications Systems International (various locations)
CSICentre Social Intercommunal (French: Intercommunal Social Center)
CSIContinuous School Improvement (various organizations)
CSIComputer Services Industry (IBM)
CSICan't Say It
CSIChurch of South India
CSIContainer Storage Interface (cloud computing)
CSIConsumer Sentiment Index
CSICode Sequence Identification (Lavasoft)
CSICredit Suisse International (various locations)
CSICommon Synchronous Interface
CSICommand Stream Interpreter
CSIConsolidated Software Inventory
CSICommunications Side Information
CSICalled Subscriber Identification
CSICommand String Interface
CSICorel Script Include
CSICommand Sequence Introducer
CSICustomer Support Identifier
CSICompuserve Inc.
CSIClock Serial Interface
CSIClient Side Include
CSIControl Sequence Introducer
CSICatalyst Semiconductor, Inc.
CSIChemical Shift Imaging (multi-voxel spectroscopy method used in magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
CSIContainment Solutions, Inc. (est. 1965)
CSICholesterol Saturation Index
CSICustomer Service Index
CSICongregation Sons of Israel (New York)
CSICanadian Securities Institute
CSICité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon (French school; Lyon, France)
CSIChipset Software Installation (Intel)
CSICommunity Service Initiative (various locations)
CSICoalition of Service Industries
CSICampbell Scientific, Inc. (Logan, Utah, USA)
CSIConsortium for Service Innovation
CSICenter for Support of Instruction (University of Maryland University College)
CSICetacean Society International
CSICommon Sense Initiative
CSIChung Shan Institute (US and Taiwan)
CSICenter for Social Inclusion
CSICompliance Services International (est. 1988; Lakewood, WA)
CSICoronary Stent Implantation (cardiology)
CSICustomer Service Initiative (various locations)
CSIConsejo Superior de Investigaciones (Spanish)
CSICyber Safety Initiative (various locations)
CSIClient and Service Information (various organizations)
CSICriticare Systems, Inc (Waukesha, WI)
CSICatalytic Solutions, Inc. (various locations)
CSICommon System Interface (Intel processor interconnect standard)
CSICenter for Social Innovation (US and Canada)
CSICurrent Source Inverter (type of variable speed controller for AC motors)
CSICaspian Services, Inc. (various organizations)
CSICurriculum and Social Inquiry (university program)
CSICase-Shiller Index (real estate industry)
CSICustomer Service Interface (various companies)
CSICompliance Solutions, Inc. (various locations)
CSICongregation Shearith Israel (Dallas, TX)
CSICustomer Services International
CSICrime Stoppers International
CSIComputer Systems Integration
CSICommercial Software, Inc. (Midland, MI)
CSIConsorzio Suonatori Indipendenti (Italian alternative music band)
CSICritical Safety Item
CSICenter for School Improvement
CSICoral Sea Islands
CSIClient Server Infrastructure (computing)
CSICyber Science Infrastructure (Japan)
CSIChair of Corporate Strategy and Innovation (Switzerland)
CSICollege Student Insurance
CSIComputers and Structures, Inc.
CSIConsumer Safety Inspector
CSICustomer Support Identifier (Oracle)
CSICampus Student Involvement (various schools)
CSIChemical Shift Index
CSICivil Society International
CSICrime Stoppers, Inc. (various locations)
CSICanadian Society for Immunology
CSICustomer Support International (various locations)
CSIContemporary Services, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
CSICommon Service Interface (security; EU)
CSICritter Scene Investigation
CSIConseils et Services Immobiliers (French: Consulting and Real Estate Services)
CSICommodity Services, Inc. (various locations)
CSIConfidential Supervisory Information (financial regulations)
CSICredential Securities, Inc. (Canada)
CSICalifornia Steel Industries, Inc.
CSICan't Spell It
CSIComplete Safety Institute (Fairview Heights, IL)
CSIConditional Symmetric Instability
CSICritical Success Index
CSICardiological Society of India
CSICommercial Satellite Imagery
CSIContaminant Source Inventory (various organizations)
CSIChemical Safety International (Chemical Safety Corporation)
CSICalled Subscriber Identification (ITU-T Rec T30)
CSICyber Security Integrators
CSICarrefour de Solidarité Internationale (French: Crossroads of International Solidarity; Canada)
CSICritical Sustainability Item (US DoD)
CSICast Stone Institute (Winder, GA)
CSICollaborative Software Initiative (Portland, OR)
CSICaregiver Strain Index
CSICentre de Santé Intégré (French)
CSICharter Schools Institute
CSIComputers & Structures, Inc.
CSIComputers & Structures, Inc
CSICrash Scene Investigation
CSICryptologie et Sécurité Informatique (French: Cryptology and Information Security)
CSICourtroom Sciences, Inc.
CSIColegio San Ignacio (Spanish)
CSICollision Safety Institute
CSIConcours de Saut International
CSICheyenne Software, Inc. (Delaware)
CSICon-Serv Industries, Inc. (waste disposal; Sterling, VA)
CSIChild Soldiers Initiative (Canada)
CSICustomer Service Issue
CSICold Start Injector (automotive)
CSICorinthian Schools, Inc.
CSIClaim Status Inquiry (Medicare billing tool)
CSIChildSafe International
CSICompressor Systems, Inc. (Midland, Texas)
CSIChhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (Mumbai, India)
CSIConditional Sentence of Imprisonment (Canada)
CSICyclooxygenase-2-Specific Inhibitor (drug)
CSIConcept Systems, Inc.
CSICustomer Satisfaction Initiative
CSIChild Symptom Inventory (medicine)
CSICorporate Strategies, Inc.
CSIComposites pour le Sanitaire et l'Industrie (French: Composites for Health and Industry)
CSICommand Sequence Introducer (VT100 terminal code sequence equal to ESC)
CSIComputer Standards and Interfaces (journal)
CSICanadian Sugar Institute
CSICzech Standards Institute (Czech Republic)
CSICommunication Sciences Institute
CSICompliance Sampling Inspection
CSIConference Systems, Inc.
CSICustomer Service Inquiry
CSICreative Sensor Inc. (Taiwan)
CSICentro Sistemi Informativi (Swiss governmental IT center)
CSICreation Studies Institute (Fort Lauderdale, FL; est. 1988)
CSICAMEL Subscription Information
CSICity Seats Initiative (UK)
CSICurry Sales, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN; est. 1981)
CSICertified Satellite Installer
CSICytoplasmic Sperm Injection
CSICombat System Integration
CSICorporate Strategies International (Atlanta, GA)
CSICodeset Independence
CSICyberspace Systems Integrator (US Air Force)
CSIConsultant and Systems Integrator (Novell)
CSIContrast Source-Inversion
CSIConsumers Socially Integrated (Iowa)
CSICommunity of Independent States
CSIClient Server Interface
CSICompact Source Iodide
CSICorporate Social Involvement
CSIChicago Systemic Initiative
CSIControls/Structures Interaction
CSICan't Stand Idiots
CSIComponenti e Sistemi per Impianti (Associazione; Italian)
CSICrowbar Swinging Idiots
CSICustomer Support Identification
CSIConvergence Sublayer Indicator
CSICommission on Systemic Interoperability (est. 2005)
CSIComputer & Structures, Inc. (Berkeley, California)
CSICPU Support Identification (Oracle Support Services)
CSICommand String Interpreter
CSICanadian Society of Immigration
CSICougaar Software, Inc.
CSICentre for Sociology of Innovation
CSIChemical Substances Inventory
CSIComputer Supported Instruction
CSICoastal and Small Islands
CSICausal Side Information
CSICarrier Scale Internetworking
CSIChild Support Intervention (private child support enforcement agency)
CSIChicago Sculpture International
CSICyber Semiotic Institute
CSICompton Scatter Imaging
CSICombined Stress Index
CSICompetitive Shopper Investigator
CSICommercial SATCOM Interconnectivity (Sprint)
CSICrazy Space Incest (Firefly TV series)
CSICorporate Social Initiative
CSIConsensual Sexual Intercourse
CSICasino Service Industry (New Jersey Casino Control Commission)
CSICustomer Satisfaction Indicator
CSICentric Software, Inc.
CSICore Systems, Inc.
CSICell Sequence Integrity (ATM)
CSICrew Software Interface (NASA)
CSICommon Software Interface
CSICompanion of the Star of India
CSICollision Specialists Inc (USA)
CSIContractor Source Inspection
CSIClean Sites, Inc.
CSICommercial Satellite Interconnectivity
CSICustomer Service Indicator
CSICoelliptic Sequence Initiation
CSIControl Servo Input
CSICyclic Steam Injection (oil drilling)
CSICreative Strategies International
CSICleveland Scientific Institution (UK)
CSIContractor Simulator Instruction
CSIContinuous Supplier Involvement
CSICanada Steamship Inspection
CSICrop System Interface
CSIClutter Suppression Interferometry
CSICombat System Interface (program, AMSEC)
CSIComputer Systems Installation
CSIControls Structures Interactions (NASA)
CSICompetitive Strategies Initiative
CSIContract Simulator Instructor
CSICounter Strike Investigations, Inc.
CSIClearing Subnetwork Identification (Bellcore)
CSICalifornia Security Institute
CSIControl and Sensor Integration
CSIComputer Security Instructions (AT&T)
CSICommunications Solutions Incorporated
CSICuban Studies Institute
CSICONUS Sustaining Increment
CSICommercial Systems Integrator (IBM)
CSIConfiguration Status Item
CSIContract Source Inspection
CSIChemical Surety Inspection
CSIConsolidated Software Index
CSIConstant Scan Impedance
CSICustomer and Subscriber Integrator
CSICostlink Systems Inc
CSICrystal Structure Imaging
CSIComputer Security and Investigation
CSICalifornia Skin Institute (Mountain View, CA)
CSICommand Special Interest
CSICyberScope Investigations LTD
CSIClassified Salary Index
CSICorporación Siderúrgica Integral, SA
CSIConsumers Software Incorporated
CSICareer Sports International
CSICommunications, Services and Infrastructure (industry)
CSICorporate Strategy Institute (Orlando, FL)
CSICat Smack International
CSICommunications-Computer Systems Integration
CSICommon Shared Infrastructure
CSIConversion Service International, Inc.
CSICisco SAFE (Security Architecture for the Enterprise) Implementation (exam; computer security)
CSICoating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc.
CSICounter Strike Initiative (gaming)
CSICampus Specialization Initiative
CSICustomer Sensitive Information (data security)




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