CSIRCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa and Ghana)
CSIRCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (New Delhi, India)
CSIRChannel State Information Receiver
CSIRCentre for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIRCorpo di Spedizione Italiano (Italian Army Division; WWII)
CSIRChemistry Software and Information Resources
CSIRComputer Security Incident Response
CSIRCenter for the Study and Improvement of Regulation
CSIRCapacitively Stepped-Impedance Resonator
CSIRCapacitor Start Induction Run (electronics)
CSIRClassified Search and Image Retrieval
CSIRChannel State Information Available to the Receiver
CSIRComputer Systems Integration Review (hardware/software; NASA)
CSIRCommunications-Computer Systems Installation Record
CSIRClass Schedule and Instructional Record (University of California, Berkeley)
CSIRCentrum Srodowiska i Rozwoju (Poland)
CSIRCommunications Systems Installation Records
CSIRCentre Social d'Intégration aux Réfugiés (French)