CSJCorte Suprema de Justicia (Spanish: Supreme Court of Justice; El Salvadore)
CSJSisters of St. Joseph (religious order)
CSJConseil Supérieur de la Justice (French: High Council of Justice; Belgium)
CSJCity of San Jose (San Jose, CA)
CSJCommission des Services Juridiques (French: Legal Services Commission; Canada)
CSJCanada Summer Jobs
CSJCentre de Soins de Jour (French: Day Care Center)
CSJConfraternity of St James (various locations)
CSJCentre for Social Justice (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
CSJCollege of St. Joseph (Rutland, VT)
CSJChemical Society of Japan
CSJCorpus of Spontaneous Japanese (language database)
CSJCultic Studies Journal (International Cultic Studies Association)
CSJChee Soon Juan (political dissident, Singapore)
CSJCrab Street Journal (est. 1999)
CSJClan Smoke Jaguar (gaming)
CSJCommission for Social Justice (Order Sons of Italy in America)
CSJCatalysis Society of Japan (est. 1968)
CSJCape Saint Jacques (Vietnam)
CSJCounselors for Social Justice
CSJCommon Sense Journalism
CSJCampaign for Social Justice (Northern Ireland)
CSJCircle Strafe Jump (gaming)
CSJCommerce State Justice
CSJConseil Superieur de la Jeunesse (Algeria)
CSJCarondelet Sisters of St. Joseph (Religious Order of Catholic Women)
CSJCombustion Society of Japan
CSJCongregation of St. Joseph, Priests and Brothers (religious order)
CSJCommon Sense Junction
CSJWalter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication (Arizona State University)