CSK Software

CSK Software

(company)An international software company formed by themerger of Quay Financial Software and Micrognosis, andfully owned by CSK Corporation, Japan.

CSK Software is based in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) with officesin London (UK), Zurich (Switzerland), Madrid (Spain), andSingapore. Products segments are RDD: Real-time datadelivery, main product is Slingshot for delivering real-timedata over the Internet (real push technology). ETS:Electronic Trading Systems, price calculation and automatictrading (with connections to XONTRO and XETRA). EAI:Enterprise Application Integration, main product is XGen,a universal message converter with GUI and connections alsoto SWIFT.


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Address: CSK Software AG, Opernplatz 2, D-60313 Frankfurt,Germany.

Tel: +49 (69) 509 520. Fax: +49 (69) 5095 2333.