Acronym | Definition |
BUL➣Bulgaria |
BUL➣Bulletin |
BUL➣Breach of Union Law (European Banking Authority) |
BUL➣Buffalo Urban League (New York) |
BUL➣Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung in der Landwirtschaft (German: Counseling Center for Accident Prevention in Agriculture; Switzerland) |
BUL➣Bell University Laboratories |
BUL➣Base Urbaine de Loisirs (French: Basis of Urban Recreation) |
BUL➣Bottom Up Lag (petroleum industry) |
BUL➣Business Unit Leader |
BUL➣Buelton (Amtrak station code; Buelton, CA) |
BUL➣Biblioteca Universale Laterza (Italian: Universal Library Laterza; Laterza, Italy) |
BUL➣Bethel University Library (St. Paul, MN) |