Bulakhovskii, Leonid

Bulakhovskii, Leonid Arsen’evich


Born Apr. 2 (14), 1888, in Kharkov; died Apr. 4, 1961, in Kiev. Soviet linguist; academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1939); corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946).

In 1916, Bulakhovskii was an assistant professor at the University of Kharkov and, in 1917, professor at the University of Perm’. He became director of the A. A. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in 1944. His chief works were devoted to various problems in Russian and Ukrainian linguistics and to Slavic linguistics and teaching methods. Bulakhovskii was a specialist in Slavic accentology. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and a medal.


Russkii literaturnyi iazyk pervoi poloviny XIX veka, vols. 1-2, 2nd ed. Moscow-Kiev, 1954-57.
Kurs russkogo literaturnogo iazyka, vol. 1, 5th ed., Kiev, 1952; vol. 2, 4th ed., Kiev, 1953.
Istoricheskii kommentarii k russkomu literaturnomu iazyku, 5th ed. Khar’kov-Kiev. 1958.
Ukraïns’kyi literaturnyi naholos, 2nd ed. Kiev, 1947.
Aktsentologicheskii kommentarii k pol’skomu iazyku. Kiev, 1950.
Aktsentologicheskii kommentarii k cheshskomu iazyku, issues 1-3. Kiev, 1953-1956.
Pytannia pokhodzhennia ukrains’koï movy. Kiev, 1956.


Borkovskii, V. I. “Semidesiatiletie L. A. Bulakhovskogo.” Voprosy iazykoznaniia, 1958, no. 2.
Beloded, I. K. “Leonid Arsen’evich Bulakhovskii.” Izv. AN SSSR: Otdelenie literatury i iazyka, 1958, vol. 17, issue 2.
Beloded, I. K. L. A. Bulakhovskii. Kiev, 1968.