fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test

fluor·es·cent trep·o·ne·mal an·ti·bod·y-ab·sorp·tion test

a sensitive and specific serologic test for syphilis using a suspension of the Nichols strain of Treponema pallidum as antigen; the presence or absence of antibody in the patient's serum is indicated by an indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Synonym(s): FTA-ABS test

fluor·es·cent trep·o·ne·mal an·ti·bod·y-ab·sorp·tion test

(flōr-es'ĕnt trep-ō-nē'măl an'ti-bod-ē-ab-sōrp'shŭn test) A sensitive and specific serologic assay for syphilis using a suspension of the Nichols strain of Treponema pallidum as antigen; the presence or absence of antibody in the patient's serum is indicated by an indirect fluorescent antibody technique.

fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test



A test for syphilis using the fluorescent antibody technique that is used to confirm a positive rapid plasma reagin, or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test.