bulbar palsy

pro·gress·ive bul·bar pal·sy

one of the subgroups of motor neuron disease; a progressive degenerative disorder of the motor neurons of primarily the brainstem, manifested as weakness (and wasting) of the various bulbar muscles, resulting in dysarthria and dysphagia-fluid regurgitation is an outstanding symptom and can cause aspiration; tongue weakness and wasting are usually evident. Often fasciculation potentials are present in the tongue and facial muscles. Synonym(s): bulbar palsy, bulbar paralysis, Erb disease, glossolabiolaryngeal paralysis, glossolabiopharyngeal paralysis, glossopalatolabial paralysis, glossopharyngeolabial paralysis, progressive bulbar paralysis

bul·bar pal·sy

(bŭl'bahr pawl'zē) Flaccidparalysis of the motor units of any or all cranial nerves. Bulbar palsies may also be identifed by the specific nerve affected, such as facial palsy or hypoglossal palsy.
See also: cranial nerves

bulbar palsy

A neurological disorder causing progressive paralysis of the tongue, throat and voice box (larynx) so that swallowing and speaking become difficult or impossible. Bulbar palsy is a feature of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS, MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE, and POLIOMYELITIS.