Acronym | Definition |
AGF➣Ajinomoto General Foods (Japan) |
AGF➣Animate Girls Festival |
AGF➣Asian Games Federation (est. 1949) |
AGF➣Anglo-German Foundation (UK) |
AGF➣Assume Good Faith |
AGF➣Army Ground Forces |
AGF➣American General Finance |
AGF➣Amazing Grace Fellowship (various locations) |
AGF➣Assurances Générales de France |
AGF➣All Good Friends (gaming clan) |
AGF➣American Growth Fund (mutual fund) |
AGF➣American Gas Foundation (Washington, DC) |
AGF➣Aarhus Gymnastikforening (athletic clubs, Denmark) |
AGF➣Anatomic Gift Foundation |
AGF➣Autologous Growth Factor |
AGF➣Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Grossforschungseinrichtungen |
AGF➣Annual Green Fee (golf) |
AGF➣Alberta Global Forum (Canada) |
AGF➣Miscellaneous Command Ship (US Navy ship designation) |
AGF➣ (newsgroup) |
AGF➣Agen, France - La Garenne (Airport Code) |
AGF➣Above Ground Facility (utilities) |
AGF➣Atlas Geo File (GIS Software Format) |
AGF➣Anarsist Genclik Federasyonu (Federation of Anarchist Youth, Turkey) |
AGF➣Angle of Greatest Flexion (biology) |
AGF➣Asociación Guatemalteca de Franquicias (Spanish: Guatemalan Franchise Association; Guatemala) |
AGF➣Associated Grocers of Florida |
AGF➣Artificial Ground Freezing |
AGF➣Adjusted Goodness of Fit |
AGF➣All Glass Fiber |
AGF➣Allmerica Global Funding LLC |
AGF➣A Gentleman's Film |
AGF➣Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuzer (gaming clan) |
AGF➣Alternative Gothic Fashion |
AGF➣Array Green's Function |
AGF➣Annual Global Funding |
AGF➣Active Geological Fault |
AGF➣Acid Gas Flaring (fuel refining) |
AGF➣Average Gain Factor |
AGF➣Automatic Guided Flight |
AGF➣Angioblastic Growth Factor |
AGF➣Aviation Guided Flight |