

单词 csm



abbr.1. command sergeant major2. command service module


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Military) company sergeant-major



["CSM - A Distributed Programming Language", S. Zhongxiu etal, IEEE Trans Soft Eng SE-13(4):497-500 (Apr 1987)].



 [men″in-ji´tis] (pl. meningi´tides) inflammation of the meninges," >meninges, usually by either a bacterium (bacterial m.) or a virus (viral m.). When it affects the dura mater it is termed pachymeningitis; when the arachnoid and pia mater are involved, it is called leptomeningitis. The term meningitis does not refer to a specific disease entity but rather to the pathologic condition of inflammation of the tissues of the meninges. The etiologic agent can be anything that activates an response" >inflammatory response, including both pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi; chemical toxins such as lead and arsenic; contrast media used in myelography; and metastatic malignant cells. Enteroviruses are the most common causes of aseptic meningitis.Bacterial Meningitis. This form occurs when pathogenic bacteria enter the subarachnoid space and cause a pyogenic inflammatory response. The most common causes are Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and Haemophilus influenzae, which are responsible for approximately 70 per cent of all cases. The incidence is age-related. In adults, S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis cause most of the cases; in children aged 1 month to 15 years, N. meningitidis and H. influenzae predominate; in neonates less than 1 month old, the disease is usually a nosocomial infection with gram-negative enteric bacilli.
Almost all bacterial infections of the meninges enter the nervous system after having invaded and infected another region of the body and then are spread by local extension, as from the sinuses, or through the blood, as in septicemia. The organisms gain access to the ventriculosubarachnoid spaces and the cerebrospinal fluid where they cause irritation of the tissues bathed by the fluid.
Bacterial meningitis typically begins with headache, nausea and vomiting, stiff neck (nuchal rigidity), and chills and fever. Irritability and confusion occur early in the course of the disease, and convulsive seizures occur in about 25 per cent of patients. As the disease progresses the patient becomes less rational, has decreasing levels of consciousness, and lapses into coma. Inability to straighten the knee when the hip is flexed (a positive kernig's sign" >kernig's sign) and involuntary flexing of the hip and knee when the neck is flexed forward (a positive brudzinski's sign" >brudzinski's sign) are indicative of meningeal irritation.
A diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is verified by isolation of the organism from a specimen of cerebrospinal fluid obtained by lumbar puncture. Treatment with the appropriate antibacterial agent is begun at once to reduce the numbers of proliferating bacteria attacking the central nervous system. Supportive measures include rest, maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance, and prevention or control of convulsions with anticonvulsant drugs.
The prognosis is generally good, especially for meningococcal meningitis in which residual neurologic deficits and persistent convulsive seizures are rare. Pneumococcal meningitis and meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae are more likely to be complicated by these sequelae as well as by septic shock and hydrocephalus.
Benign Viral Meningitis. This term encompasses a group of disorders in which there is some meningeal irritation but no pyogenic organism can be found in the cerebrospinal fluid. It is, therefore, called also aseptic meningitis complex, which is somewhat misleading because the meningeal irritation often follows infection with the mumps virus or with one of the picornaviruses.
The patient with this disorder typically complains of headache and signs characteristic of meningeal irritation, intolerance to light, and pain when the eyes are moved from side to side. Most of the symptoms are mild, and treatment is largely supportive and symptomatic; the disease is self-limiting.
Patient Care. Assessment of the patient with meningitis includes monitoring vital signs, neurologic status, and fluid and electrolyte status. The plan of care should include provisions for rest and relief from discomfort, a quiet and nonstimulating environment, protection from injury during convulsions, control of elevated body temperature, and isolation precautions as indicated by the specific causative organism. In general, enteric precautions are indicated for patients with aseptic meningitis caused by an enterovirus. Fungal and meningococcal meningitis require respiratory precautions. Antibiotics must be given precisely as ordered so as to avoid further damage to the central nervous system. Early signs of increased intracranial pressure from brain edema are reported promptly so that measures to reduce pressure can be taken as soon as possible. During the acute phase and convalescence the patient is watched for signs of complications such as septic shock, vascular collapse, and hydrocephalus. Nutritional status must be maintained throughout the course of illness to reinforce the patient's natural resources for combating infection and recovering from its deleterious effects.Portals of entry resulting in meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and intracranial mass lesions. From Mahon and Manuselis, 2000.
aseptic meningitis any of several mild types of meningitis, most of which are caused by viruses; see meningitis" >viral meningitis.bacterial meningitis meningitis caused by bacteria; common pathogens are Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Some types may be serious, acute, or even fulminating. See also meningitis" >viral meningitis.cerebrospinal meningitis an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord; it may be caused by any of numerous different organisms.epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis an acute infectious disease with seropurulent inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, due to infection by Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus). It usually occurs in epidemics, and symptoms are those of acute cerebral and spinal meningitis. There is also usually an eruption of erythematous, herpetic, or hemorrhagic spots on the skin. The fulminating or malignant form is known as Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.spinal meningitis inflammation of the meninges of the spinal cord.viral meningitis meningitis due to any of various viruses, such as a coxsackievirus or the virus" >mumps virus, with lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. It usually has a short uncomplicated course characterized by malaise, fever, headache, stiffness of neck and back, and nausea. See also meningitis" >aseptic meningitis.


Abbreviation for:
care-systems management
carotid sinus massage
cause-specific mortality
cerebrospinal meningitis
cervical spondylotic myelopathy
Christian Socialist Movement (!) (Medspeak-UK)
circular smooth muscle
clinical supply management
Committee on the Safety of Medicines (Medspeak-UK)
confined-space medicine
Consolidated Standards Manual
corn-soy milk
coronary smooth muscle




CSMCommand Sergeant Major (US Army)
CSMChopped Strand Mat (glass-reinforced plastics)
CSMCentral Saint Martins (UK college of art and design)
CSMChadwell St. Mary (Essex; UK)
CSMCollege of San Mateo
CSMColorado School of Mines (Golden, Colorado)
CSMChristian Science Monitor (publication)
CSMCollege of Southern Maryland
CSMCollege of Saint Mary (Omaha, NE)
CSMContent Switching Module (Cisco networking)
CSMChasse sous Marine (French: Spearfishing)
CSMClient Services Manager (various organizations)
CSMCome See Me
CSMChaos Space Marines (Warhammer 40k gaming)
CSMConsiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Italy)
CSMCustomer Service Manager
CSMColumbia St. Mary's (hospital; Wisconsin)
CSMConseil Supérieur de la Magistrature
CSMCertified Scrummaster
CSMConceptual Site Model
CSMCommon Safety Method (various locations)
CSMCustomer Service Management
CSMCommittee on Safety of Medicines (UK)
CSMCoffee Shop Manager
CSMCentre de Stockage de la Manche (French radioactive waste depository)
CSMCommon Sense Media
CSMCivil Society Media (various locations)
CSMCommunity Service Manager
CSMClient Server Messaging
CSMCentral Site Modem
CSMCompatibility Support Module
CSMClass Specific Method
CSMCharacter Studio Motion Capture
CSMContent Security Manager
CSMCisco Security Manager
CSMContent Services Module
CSMCausality Stack Manager
CSMCommon Semantic Model
CSMCharacter Studio Marker
CSMConfiguration Service Manager
CSMCentral Site Management
CSMCommunication Session Manager
CSMCisco Services Modules
CSMContinuing Software Maintenance
CSMChannel Selector Module
CSMComputer Systems Manufacturing
CSMCertified Security and Safety Manager
CSMComputer Science and Mathematics
CSMCascaded Shadow Mapping
CSMCode Set Map
CSMCisco Service Management
CSMContent Switching Module
CSMCall Switching Module
CSMCluster Systems Management
CSMCatalyst Switch Manager
CSMCommand and Service Module
CSMCaching Services Module
CSMClient Side Session Management
CSMCertificate in Safety Management (British Safety Council; UK)
CSMCape Santa Maria (Bahamas)
CSMCantiga de Santa Maria (13th-century Galician canticle)
CSMConspicuous Service Medal (military decoration; Australia)
CSMCertified Safety Manager
CSMConstruction Science and Management (various schools)
CSMContent Security Manager (software)
CSMCommand and Service Module (Apollo Program)
CSMCanadian Society of Microbiologists
CSMCollege of Science and Mathematics
CSMCommand Service Module (NASA)
CSMCertified Survey Map
CSMColonial Society of Massachusetts (est. 1892)
CSMClub Sportif Moulien (Guadeloupe sport club)
CSMContent Storage Management (computing technique)
CSMCrime Scene Management (forensics)
CSMCigarette Smoking Man (X-files)
CSMCompany Sergeant Major
CSMCompany Sergeant Major (British, Canadian)
CSMCommon Standards Monitoring
CSMCentralized Security Management (software)
CSMCisco Security Manager (Cisco)
CSMCouncil of Student Members (American College of Physicians)
CSMCanadian Ski Marathon
CSMComputer-Assisted Survey Methods
CSMCamborne School of Mines (UK)
CSMCertified Shopping Center Manager
CSMClient Server Messaging (Trend Micro)
CSMCluster System Management
CSMClimate System Model
CSMCoal Seam Methane
CSMCouncil of the Southern Mountains (1912-1989)
CSMCenter for Strategic Management (Maryland)
CSMCottonseed Meal
CSMComputational Structural Mechanics
CSMCustomer Support Manager
CSMCentral Sun Mining, Inc. (Nicaragua)
CSMCaribbean Single Market
CSMControl Strip Module (plug-in for Macintosh)
CSMConvention Services Manager
CSMCerebrospinal Meningitis
CSMCompatibility Support Module (EFI)
CSMCondom Social Marketing
CSMCurriculum Support Materials (education)
CSMCertified in Supply Management (Institute for Supply Management)
CSMContinuous Service Manager (software)
CSMComplex Statistical Models
CSMCentral Server Model (computing)
CSMCustodial Sexual Misconduct (prison law; various locations)
CSMComplete Service Management (various companies)
CSMChild Support Maintenance (claim)
CSMCertified Strategic Manager
CSMCompetitive Semiconductor Manufacturing (University of California, Berkeley)
CSMClearing & Settlement Mechanism (payment system)
CSMChaudronnerie Soudure Maintenance (French: Boilermaking Welding Maintenance)
CSMCentre Service Métaux (French: Metals Service Center)
CSMCell-Site Modem
CSMCertified Software Manager (Software Publishers Association)
CSMCreative Sales Marketing
CSMCompuSmart (computer company)
CSMCenter for Systems Management (Vienna, VA)
CSMChinese Society for Metals (Beijing, China)
CSMComputer Software Management
CSMCalifornia Surf Museum
CSMConventional Strike Missile (US DoD)
CSMCounter-Strike Manager (gaming)
CSMCivil Society Movement (Liberia)
CSMClub Subaquatique de Mayenne (French: Underwater Club of Mayenne; Mayenne, France)
CSMCanberra School of Music (Canberra, Australia)
CSMCentre Sécurité Multipoints (French: Multipoint Safety Center; est. 1994)
CSMCognitive and Systematic Musicology (Ohio State University)
CSMCargo Securing Manual (maritime)
CSMCercle Sportif Marseille (French sports club)
CSMCentre for Software Maintenance (now RISE, Uof Durham, UK)
CSMCircumstellar Material
CSMCarpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve (California)
CSMCustomer Satisfaction Manager
CSMCompany Stage Manager (theater)
CSMCommunity Safety Month (Australia)
CSMComputer Supermarket
CSMCentre for Social Marketing (University of Strathclyde, UK)
CSMCustomer Service Measurement
CSMCode Security Module
CSMChambre Syndicale Métallurgie (French: Metallurgy Union Chamber)
CSMCravath, Swaine & Moore LLP (law firm)
CSMCarlos Saúl Menem (former Argentinan president)
CSMCertified Support Manager (Service & Support Professionals Association)
CSMCyberdyne Systems Model (Terminator)
CSMcubic feet per second per square mile
CSMCall Supervision Message (CCS #7 & ITU-T)
CSMcortical stimulation mapping
CSMCatholic Services of Macomb (Michigan)
CSMCryptographic Service Message
CSMCross-Spectral Metric
CSMCooperating Security Manager
CSMCross Spectral Matrix
CSMCirculation, Sensation, Movement (injury evaluation)
CSMCambridge Sound Management
CSMCritical Situation Management (Marysville, PA)
CSMCommon Signaling Mode
CSMCanadian School of Management
CSMClub Seghe Mentali (Italian)
CSMCombined Symbol Matching
CSMConstant Speed Motor
CSMCorporate Security Manager
CSMCommunications Support Module
CSMComputer System Manager
CSMContinuous Signature Monitoring
CSMCall Switching Mode (Cisco)
CSMCharacter Studio Motion (proprietory file format)
CSMCountry-Specific Meeting (United Nations)
CSMComputer Status Matrix (US NASA)
CSMCommission for Synoptic Meteorology
CSMCongress and Seminar Management
CSMCollaborative Spatial Multiplexing (WiMAX)
CSMClass-Specific Method
CSMCold Sky Mirror
CSMCall Switch Module (Cisco)
CSMCommon Support Module (US NASA)
CSMCorporate Systems Modernization
CSMChief of Staff Memorandum
CSMCommunications Search Mode (Beagle 2)
CSMCorrupt Society Magazine
CSMCost and Schedule Management
CSMCoor Service Management (Swedish company)
CSMCompartmented Security Mode
CSMColegio San Miguel (Guatemalan School)
CSMCompression System Manager (video headend)
CSMCentralized System Management (AT&T)
CSMCombat System Technical Operations Manual
CSMCommand Storage Memory
CSMChemical Surety Materials
CSMCell Service Module
CSMChannel Supervision Message (Sprint)
CSMCapacitor Start Motor
CSMCustomer Success Methodology
CSMCombined Security Mechanism
CSMCafeteria-Style Management
CSMChannel Selector Module (Ciena)
CSMColor, Sensation, Movement (orthopedics examination)
CSMCitizen Service Management
CSMCorporate Solution Manager
CSMChenault Space Module
CSMCondensed Skim Milk
CSMComputerized Structural Mechanics
CSMComputer Software Module
CSMCenter Switch Module (Telabs)
CSMCentral, Steady and Maintained Fixation (eye position)
CSMControl Status Maintenance
CSMCore Switching Matrix
CSMCore Sync Module (Symmetricom)
CSMCommunications Session Management (Bellcore)
CSMCustodial Step-Mom
CSMCombined Signal Monitoring
CSMCommand System Manual
CSMCard Services Manager
CSMCycler Shedder Module
CSMCommand and Staff Manual
CSMControl Signal Monitor
CSMClassroom Support Module (sub module of US Navy CeTARS, Corporate Enterprise Training Activity Resource Systems)
CSMCommercial Switch Module
CSMChannel Supervision Module
CSMCombined Sensitivity Measure
CSMCommunity Service Movement
CSMCentralized Software Management (Nortel)
CSMCommand Site Map (US Army)
CSMCollaborative for Disaster Mitigation
CSMCenter Stage Module (DSC)
CSMCommunications Society Magazine
CSMChurch of Swedish Mission
CSMCustomer Sector Manager




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