CSNCrosby, Stills, and Nash (band)
CSNChina Southern Airlines
CSNCancer Survivors Network
CSNCollege of Southern Nevada (various locations)
CSNCommunity School of Naples (Florida)
CSNClemson (Amtrak stations code; Clemson, SC)
CSNComcast SportsNet (TV channel)
CSNConfédération des Syndicats Nationaux (French)
CSNCentre du Service National (French: National Service Center)
CSNConsejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spanish: Nuclear Safety Council)
CSNCompanhia Siderúrgica Nacional (Brazil)
CSNCentrala studiestödsnämnden (Swedish: state education grant and loan program)
CSNCentre de Sécurité des Navires (French: Ship Safety Center)
CSNCanadian Stamp News
CSNConvention sur la Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Convention on Nuclear Safety)
CSNChick Singer Night (female songfest)
CSNCustomer Service Number
CSNChannel Services Network
CSNClient Server Network
CSNCircuit Switching Network
CSNCS-Nation (Counter-Strike clan)
CSNComunidad Sudamericana de Naciones (Spanish: South American Community of Nations)
CSNChildren with Special Needs
CSNCoastal Surveillance Network (India)
CSNConfederate States Navy
CSNChildren's Safety Network
CSNCard Select Number
CSNCalvary Satellite Network
CSNCorporate Social Network
CSNCable Shopping Network
CSNCanadian Stroke Network
CSNCustomer Service Number (US IRS)
CSNCommunity Services Network
CSNCommunity Safety Network (various locations)
CSNCertified School Nurse
CSNCommand Sequence Number (programming)
CSNCircuit-Switched Network
CSNComité Stratégique pour le Numérique (French: Digital Strategy Committee)
CSNCitrix Solutions Network
CSNClub Subaquatique Narbonnais (French: Narbonne Underwater Club; Narbonne, France)
CSNCanadian Syringomyelia Network
CSNChina Support Network (pro-democracy organization)
CSNComunidade Sul-Americana de Nações (Portuguese: South American Community of Nations)
CSNClub Sportif Neuvillois (French sports club)
CSNCoopérant du Service National
CSNClient-Server Network
CSNCertified Sports Nutritionist
CSNClub Sonneurs Normand (French music school)
CSNCarson Station (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department)
CSNCelebrity Scene News
CSNCivil Society Networks
CSNClub Subaquatique Nantais (French: Nantes Underwater Club; Nantes, France)
CSNContent Spooling Network (Baseline Unlimited, Inc.; article exchange network)
CSNComputer Systems/Networking (degree)
CSNCongregation of the Sisters of Nazareth
CSNClearstar Security Network (internet locksmith forum)
CSNConcrete Syntax Notation (GSM)
CSNChannel Sequence Number
CSNCompact Service Node (Lucent)
CSNClinical Support Nurse
CSNCatalog Sequence Number
CSNContract Surgeon
CSNColorado Soccer Net
CSNCzech State Norm
CSNCanada Stockwatch News
CSNCropping Systems Network
CSNControl Symbol Number (government contracting)
CSNContract Serial Number
CSNCircuit Symbol Number
CSNCycle Since New (aviation)
CSNContact Serial Number
CSNControl Serial Number (US Air Force)
CSNCommunity Staff Nurse
CSNCastle Nursing Homes
CSNCommunications Service Node (Excel)
CSNCommon Service Network (Sprint)
CSNConnecting the Soldier to the Network
CSNCustom Switched Network
CSNConfiguration Sequence Number
CSNChicago Software News