Acronym | Definition |
CSN➣Crosby, Stills, and Nash (band) |
CSN➣China Southern Airlines |
CSN➣Cancer Survivors Network |
CSN➣College of Southern Nevada (various locations) |
CSN➣Community School of Naples (Florida) |
CSN➣Clemson (Amtrak stations code; Clemson, SC) |
CSN➣Comcast SportsNet (TV channel) |
CSN➣Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (French) |
CSN➣Centre du Service National (French: National Service Center) |
CSN➣Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spanish: Nuclear Safety Council) |
CSN➣Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (Brazil) |
CSN➣Centrala studiestödsnämnden (Swedish: state education grant and loan program) |
CSN➣Centre de Sécurité des Navires (French: Ship Safety Center) |
CSN➣Canadian Stamp News |
CSN➣Convention sur la Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Convention on Nuclear Safety) |
CSN➣Chick Singer Night (female songfest) |
CSN➣Customer Service Number |
CSN➣Channel Services Network |
CSN➣Client Server Network |
CSN➣Circuit Switching Network |
CSN➣CS-Nation (Counter-Strike clan) |
CSN➣Comunidad Sudamericana de Naciones (Spanish: South American Community of Nations) |
CSN➣Children with Special Needs |
CSN➣Coastal Surveillance Network (India) |
CSN➣Confederate States Navy |
CSN➣Children's Safety Network |
CSN➣Card Select Number |
CSN➣Calvary Satellite Network |
CSN➣Corporate Social Network |
CSN➣Cable Shopping Network |
CSN➣Canadian Stroke Network |
CSN➣Customer Service Number (US IRS) |
CSN➣Community Services Network |
CSN➣Community Safety Network (various locations) |
CSN➣Certified School Nurse |
CSN➣Command Sequence Number (programming) |
CSN➣Circuit-Switched Network |
CSN➣Comité Stratégique pour le Numérique (French: Digital Strategy Committee) |
CSN➣Citrix Solutions Network |
CSN➣Club Subaquatique Narbonnais (French: Narbonne Underwater Club; Narbonne, France) |
CSN➣Canadian Syringomyelia Network |
CSN➣China Support Network (pro-democracy organization) |
CSN➣Comunidade Sul-Americana de Nações (Portuguese: South American Community of Nations) |
CSN➣Club Sportif Neuvillois (French sports club) |
CSN➣Coopérant du Service National |
CSN➣Client-Server Network |
CSN➣Certified Sports Nutritionist |
CSN➣Club Sonneurs Normand (French music school) |
CSN➣Carson Station (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department) |
CSN➣Celebrity Scene News |
CSN➣Civil Society Networks |
CSN➣Club Subaquatique Nantais (French: Nantes Underwater Club; Nantes, France) |
CSN➣Content Spooling Network (Baseline Unlimited, Inc.; article exchange network) |
CSN➣Computer Systems/Networking (degree) |
CSN➣Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth |
CSN➣Clearstar Security Network (internet locksmith forum) |
CSN➣Concrete Syntax Notation (GSM) |
CSN➣Channel Sequence Number |
CSN➣Compact Service Node (Lucent) |
CSN➣Clinical Support Nurse |
CSN➣Catalog Sequence Number |
CSN➣Contract Surgeon |
CSN➣Colorado Soccer Net |
CSN➣Czech State Norm |
CSN➣Canada Stockwatch News |
CSN➣Cropping Systems Network |
CSN➣Control Symbol Number (government contracting) |
CSN➣Contract Serial Number |
CSN➣Circuit Symbol Number |
CSN➣Cycle Since New (aviation) |
CSN➣Contact Serial Number |
CSN➣Control Serial Number (US Air Force) |
CSN➣Community Staff Nurse |
CSN➣Castle Nursing Homes |
CSN➣Communications Service Node (Excel) |
CSN➣Common Service Network (Sprint) |
CSN➣Connecting the Soldier to the Network |
CSN➣Custom Switched Network |
CSN➣Configuration Sequence Number |
CSN➣Chicago Software News |