释义 |
embololalia embololalia [em″bo-lo-la´le-ah] the interpolation of meaningless words or phrases in a spoken sentence.em·bo·lo·la·li·a , embolophrasia (em'bō-lō-lā'lē-ă, -frā'zē-ă) Interjection of meaningless words into a sentence when speaking. [G. embolos, something thrown in, fr. emballo, to throw in, + lalia, speaking]embolalia, embololalia (em?bo-la'le-a) (em?bo-lo-la'le-a) [Gr. embolos, thrown in, + lalia, babble] Insertion of stammered sounds or fillers such as “ah, ” “hmm, ” or “uh” in connected speech Synonym: embolophrasia |