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embolotherapy em·bo·lo·ther·a·py (em'bō-lō-thār'ă-pē), Occlusion of arteries by insertion of blood clots, Gelfoam, coils, balloons, etc., with an angiographic catheter; used for control of inoperable hemorrhage or preoperative management of highly vascular neoplasms. [G. embolos, plug, + therapeia, medical treatment] em·bo·lo·ther·a·py (em'bō-lō-thār'ă-pē) Occlusion of arteries by insertion of blood clots, coils, or balloons using an angiographic catheter; used to control inoperable hemorrhage or to provide preoperative management of highly vascular neoplasms. [G. embolos, plug, + therapeia, medical treatment]embolotherapy (em?bo-lo-ther'a-pe) [ embolus + therapy] The use of any type of embolic material (autologus thrombus, muscle fragment, or foreign body) for therapeutic occlusion of a blood vessel. This technique is used to control bleeding, close fistulae or arteriovenous malformations, devascularize organs, and reduce tumors or varicoceles. Generally a catheter is threaded through the vascular system to the origin of the vessel to be occluded, and an agent is injected under radiographic control. Synonym: arterial embolization (2). |