Deep Creek State Recreation Area

Deep Creek State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Alaska
Location:36 miles north of Homer, at milepost 138 on Sterling Highway.
Facilities:2 campgrounds, toilets (é), drinking water (é), picnic sites (é)in day-use area, beach, scenic overlooks, tractor-assisted boatlaunching services (from private company).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, clamming, beachcombing, ATV riding (on saltwater beaches only), wildlife observation, bird watching.
Special Features:Deep Creek offers legendary halibut and king salmon fishing, as well as razor clams, and has salt water access. Whales, seals and otters can be seen offshore. Bald eagles are visible here year round, and sandhill cranes and other shore birds inhabit the saltwater marsh in May.
Address:c/o Kenai/PWS Area Office
PO Box 1247
Soldotna, AK 99669

Size: 172 acres.

See other parks in Alaska.