Bulgarian-Czechoslovak Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and
Bulgarian-Czechoslovak Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance
signed in Prague on April 23 by G. Dimitrov, chairman of the Council of Ministers, for the People’s Republic of Bulgaria; and by K. Gottwald, chairman of the Council of Ministers, and V. Klementis, minister of foreign affairs, for the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It was concluded for a period of 20 years. The two parties pledged to strengthen friendship and overall cooperation, and jointly adopt all necessary measures to prevent the threat of aggression from Germany or any other state directly or indirectly allied with Germany. In the case of aggression, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia also agreed to immediately render military and any other assistance to each other, participate in all international actions toward the preservation of international peace and security, observe their pledges with respect to the UN, and act in conformity with the principles of its charter. They promised neither to conclude any alliances nor participate in any actions directed against the other party and to consult mutually on all important international questions affecting the two parties.