

单词 fom
释义 DictionarySeefigure of merit



Abbreviation for:
Faculty of Occupational Medicine (of the Royal College of Physicians) 
field of measurement
floor of mouth


Abbrev. for Faculty of Occupational Medicine.


FOMFlavor of the Month (also seen as FOTM)
FOMFundamentals of Management (leadership seminar; various organizations)
FOMFeeble Old Man
FOMFigure Of Merit
FOMFuture of Mobile (wireless communications)
FOMFuture of Manufacturing (various meanings)
FOMFiber Optic Multiplexer (various companies)
FOMFormula One Management (racing)
FOMFriends of Mo
FOMFundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (Dutch organization for fundamental research of matter)
FOMField of Membership
FOMFocus on Mathematics
FOMFormula One Management
FOMFill and Outline Manager
FOMFirst of Month
FOMFishers of Men
FOMField Operations Manual
FOMFreedom of Movement
FOMFront Office Manager
FOMFront Office Manager (hotel industry)
FOMFederation Object Model
FOMFriends of Music (Cal State LA scholarship)
FOMFiber Optic Modem
FOMFrag-O-Matic (Belgian LAN parties)
FOMFlight Operations Manual
FOMFoundations of Mathematics
FOMFirst-Order Method (algorithm)
FOMFaculty of Occupational Medicine (UK)
FOMFuture of Obsolescence Management (Converge)
FOMFrancophones d'Oncologie Médicale (French: Francophone Medical Oncology)
FOMFace of Mankind (MMORPG)
FOMFloor of Mouth
FOMField Operations Manager
FOMField Office Manager
FOMFan of the Month
FOMFinition Organo-Minérale (French: Organo-Mineral Finish; automotive finish)
FOMFull Orthogonalization Method
FOMFlight Operations Manager
FOMFraternal Order of Moai
FOMFacilitate Other Maintenance
FOMFull of Mana (Everquest game)
FOMFollowers of Malkav (Runescape clan)
FOMFacility Operations Manager
FOMFiber Optik Market (Turkey)
FOMFacilities Operation Model (budeting)
FOMFriends of Max
FOMFamily of Men (MoMa photographic exhibition by Edward Steichen)
FOMFree On Motor (timber goods pricing)
FOMFond Obshchestvennoye Mnenie (Public Opinion Foundation, Russia)
FOMFriends of Oswald Mosley (UK)
FOMField of Moment (Sonar)
FOMFly-Out Model
FOMFunctional Output Message
FOMFurther Other Maintenance (parts removed from aircraft to get access to other parts)
FOMFilm Operations Manager
FOMFirst Outstanding Message
FOMForamen of Monroe
FOMFace-Off Middie (Lacrosse position)
FOMFollow on Maintenance




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