Domenico Scarlatti

Scarlatti, Domenico


Born Oct. 26, 1685, in Naples; died July 23, 1757, in Madrid. Italian composer and harpsichordist. Son and pupil of A. Scarlatti.

Scarlatti was a choirmaster and harpsichordist. His most important works are his harpsichord pieces (“exercises,” later called sonatas), which were precursors of the sonata form. He created a virtuoso style of harpsichord playing. Scarlatti wrote more than ten operas, as well as sacred music and other works.


Kuznetsov, K. “Ekskizy o D. Skarlatti.” Sovetskaia muzyka, 1935, no. 10.
Klimovitskii, A. “Zarozhdenie i razvitie sonatnoi formy v tvorchestve D. Skarlatti.” In the collection Voprosy muzykal’noi formy, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1966.
Valabrega, C. II clavicembalista D. Scarlatti, 2nd ed. [Parma, 1955.]