

D0332200 (də-mĕs′tĭk)adj.1. Of or relating to the family or household: domestic chores.2. Fond of home life and household affairs.3. Tame or domesticated. Used of animals.4. Of or relating to a country's internal affairs: domestic issues such as tax rates and highway construction.5. Produced in or indigenous to a particular country: domestic oil; domestic wine.n.1. A household servant.2. often domestics Household linens.3. A product or substance discovered in, developed in, or exported from a particular country.
[Middle English, from Old French domestique, from Latin domesticus, from domus, house; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]
do·mes′ti·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.domestically - with respect to the internal affairs of a government; "domestically, the president proposes a more moderate economic policy"
2.domestically - with respect to home or family; "the housewife bored us with her domestically limited conversation"