Duong Van Minh

Minh, Duong Van

(do͝ong vän mēn), 1916–2001, Vietnamese army officer and political leader. A military adviser (1962–63) to President DiemDiem, Ngo Dinh
, 1901–63, president of South Vietnam (1955–63). A member of an influential Roman Catholic family, he was a civil servant before World War II and was connected with the nationalists during the war.
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, he helped to overthrow Diem in 1963. He was head of government (1963–64), after which he went into exile. Minh returned in 1968, serving as an opposition leader against President ThieuThieu, Nguyen Van
, 1924–2001, president of the former Republic of South Vietnam (1967–75). After World War II, he joined the Viet Minh, but then left it to join what became the South Vietnamese National Army (ARVN). He rose rapidly, becoming a division commander.
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. A presidential candidate in 1971, Minh withdrew, charging election rigging. He returned briefly as president in 1975, in an unsuccessful conciliation effort but was placed in detention after the Communist takeover.

Duong Van Minh:

see Minh, Duong VanMinh, Duong Van
, 1916–2001, Vietnamese army officer and political leader. A military adviser (1962–63) to President Diem, he helped to overthrow Diem in 1963. He was head of government (1963–64), after which he went into exile.
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