Firidunbek Akhmedbek Ogly Kocharli

Kocharli, Firidunbek Akhmedbek Ogly


Born Jan. 26, 1863, in Shusha; died 1920 in Giandzha, now Kirovabad. Azerbaijan specialist in the study of literature, critic, and teacher.

Kocharli graduated from the Gori Teachers’ Seminary in 1885 and began his literary and teaching career that same year. He is the author of The Literature of the Azerbaijan Tatars (1903), The Literature of the Azerbaijan Turks (1908), M. F. Akhundov (1911), and articles devoted to problems of realism and national character in Azerbaijan literature and the problems of teaching. Kocharli translated works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Iu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy, and A. Tsereteli into Azerbaijani and wrote on Russian, Georgian, and Armenian literature.


Näbiyev, V. Qerkämli tangiächi vä ädäbiyyatshünas. Baku, 1963.