construction site



(kənˈstrakt) verb to build; to put together. They are planning to construct a new supermarket near our house; Construct a sentence containing `although'. 建造,建構 建造conˈstruction (-ʃən) noun1. (a way of) constructing or putting together. The bridge is still under construction. 建造,建構 建造2. something built. That construction won't last long. 建築物 建筑物conˈstructive (-tiv) adjective helpful; having to do with making, not with destroying. Constructive criticism tells you both what is wrong and also what to do about it. 建設性的 建设性的conˈstructively adverb 建設性地 建设性地conˈstructor noun a person who constructs. a constructor of bridges. 建造者 建造者construction site a building site. 建築工地 建筑工地construction worker a builder. 建築工人 建筑工人

construction site
