entomophthoromycosis basidiobolae


 any disease in humans or other animals caused by fungi of the order entomophthorales" >entomophthorales; human infections usually occur in apparently physiologically and immunologically normal individuals, although opportunistic infections also occur.entomophthoromycosis basidio´bolae a chronic infection caused by Basidiobolus ranarum, in which gradually enlarging granulomas form in the subcutaneous tissues of the arms, chest, and trunk. Multiple purulent ulcers may develop; seen in children and adolescents in tropical areas of Indonesia, India, and Africa. Called also basidiobolomycosis.entomophthoromycosis conidio´bolae infection by Conidiobolus coronatus, a form of zygomycosis" >zygomycosis usually involving the nose and paranasal sinuses (rhinoentomophthoromycosis). Sometimes, especially in weak or immunocompromised patients, it can spread to the central nervous system and cause fatal rhinocerebral zygomycosis.