domestic violence charges

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Country: Australia
State: All States/ProvincesNot sure if I need to contact a solicitor but my partner has been charged with domestic violence charges breach of bail and breach of avo,currently on remand in Park lea Prison.NSW After talking with him we have decided that we would like to give our relationship one more chance and I would like to withdraw all charges and the avo. How can I go about this. I have provided his solicitor with a letter stating that I want to with draw all charges and also sent a copy to Campbell town Local Court and the DPP not sure if this is correct. I am not going to be able to make it to court next Wednesday for his next bail hearing so I was hoping that someone would be able to advise me of what I will need to do.


Try speaking to the prosecutor--they have the right to continue to pursue the case on their own (even if you don't want them to) but if they feel this was a one-time incident and will never happen again--they may drop it; they want to make sure no abuse is continuing once you two are back together--