释义 |
duplication of chromosomes du·pli·ca·tion of chro·mo·somesa chromosome aberration resulting from unequal crossing over or exchange of segments between two homologous chromosomes; one chromosome of the pair loses a small segment, whereas the other gains this segment; the chromosome gaining the segment has undergone duplication whereas its homologue has undergone deletion. See: hemoglobin Lepore. du·pli·ca·tion of chro·mo·somes (dū'pli-kā'shŭn krō'mŏ-sōmz) A chromosome aberration resulting from unequal crossing over or exchange of segments between two homologous chromosomes; one chromosome of the pair loses a small segment, while the other gains this segment; the chromosome gaining the segment has undergone duplication whereas its homologue has undergone deletion. |