释义 |
con·sult C0593000 (kən-sŭlt′)v. con·sult·ed, con·sult·ing, con·sults v.tr.1. a. To seek advice or information of: consult an attorney.b. To refer to: consulted the restaurant's website for directions.2. To take into account; consider: consult one's checkbook before making a major purchase.v.intr.1. To exchange views; confer.2. To work or serve as a consultant: a retired executive who consults for several large companies.n. (kən-sŭlt′, kŏn′sŭlt′) A consultation, especially one involving physicians. [French consulter, from Latin cōnsultāre, frequentative of cōnsulere, to take counsel.] con·sult′er n.IdiomsSeeconsultEncyclopediaSeeconsultant |