deep transverse perineal muscle

deep trans·verse per·i·ne·al mus·cle

[TA] origin, ramus of ischium; insertion, with its fellow in the perineal body; action, with superficial transverse perineal muscle in forming the transverse element of cross-member (the sagittal element being formed by bulbospongiosus and external anal sphincter muscles) that provides support of the perineum and the pelvic diaphragm above it during increased abdominopelvic pressure; in males, it adds support to the bulb of the penis; nerve supply, pudendal (dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris). Synonym(s): musculus transversus perinei profundus [TA], deep transverse muscle of perineum

deep trans·verse per·i·ne·al mus·cle

(dēp trans-vĕrs' per'i-nē'ăl mŭs'ĕl) [TA] Origin, ramus of ischium; insertion, with its fellow in a median raphe; action, assists sphincter urethrae with some sphincteric action on vagina in female; nerve supply, pudendal (dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris).
Synonym(s): musculus transversus perinei profundus [TA] .