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ba·nal B0051800 (bə-năl′, bā′nəl, bə-näl′)adj. Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite: "Blunt language cannot hide a banal conception" (James Wolcott). [French, from Old French, shared by tenants in a feudal jurisdiction, from ban, summons to military service, of Germanic origin; see bhā- in Indo-European roots.] ba·nal′ize′ v.ba·nal′ly adv.Usage Note: The pronunciation of banal is not settled among educated speakers of American English, and several variants compete with each other. The pronunciation (bə-năl′), rhyming with canal, was preferred by 58 percent of the Usage Panel in our 2001 survey, while 28 percent favored (bā′nəl), and 13 percent said they used (bə-näl′), a pronunciation that is more common in British English. A number of Panelists admitted to being so vexed by the word that they tended to avoid it in conversation. Nonetheless, all three pronunciations should be considered acceptable.TranslationsThesaurusSeebanal |