bullshit artist

Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.

bullshit artist

rude slang Someone who is apt to lie and embellish. Oh, you can't trust a word that bullshit artist says.See also: artist, bullshit

bullshit artist

Also, bull artist. A person who habitually exaggerates, flatters, or talks nonsense. For example, Don't believe a word of it-he's a bullshit artist. Both versions are considered vulgar slang. The first dates from the 1940s, the second from the World War I period. See also: artist, bullshit

bullshit artist

and bullshitter n. a person expert at lies, deception, and hype. (see also bullshit. Usually objectionable.) What can you expect from a bullshit artist? The truth? Listen to me. Don’t ever try to bullshit a bullshitter! See also: artist, bullshit