Evgenii Varfolomeevich Blizniak

Blizniak, Evgenii Varfolomeevich


Born Mar. 28 (Apr. 9), 1881, in Mstislavl’; died Oct. 23,1958, in Moscow. Soviet hydrologist and hydraulic engineer. Doctor of technical sciences (1937), Honored Worker in the Sciences and in Engineering of the RSFSR (1947), and professor (1923).

In 1921, Blizniak began teaching at higher educational institutions in Moscow, and in 1950 he became head of the subdepartment of land hydrology of the geography department of Moscow University. From 1928 to 1930 he was director of the Hydrological and Hydraulic Engineering Institute founded by him. From 1904 to 1907 he studied the Severnyi Donets (for supplying the Donbas with water) and beginning in 1908, the Enisei (from the Bol’shoi Porog in the Zapadnyi Saian Mountains to its mouth). Blizniak took part in the work of the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia, where he directed the elaboration of a plan for Western Siberia. His main works are Hydrological Studies (1952), Hydrological Engineering (1939, with B. V. Poliakov), Hydrography of the Rivers of the USSR (1945, coauthor), Hydraulic Engineering Studies (1956), and Hydroenergetic Studies (1957, coauthor).