Evgenii Vorobev

Vorob’ev, Evgenii Zakharovich


Born Nov. 29 (Dec. 12), 1910, in Riga. Soviet Russian writer; participant in the Great Patriotic War.

The basic theme of Vorob’ev’s short stories, novellas, and novels is the war and the heroic military deeds of Soviet people. Among his books are Comrades in Arms (1947), Square on the Map (1950), There Is Nothing More Dear (6th ed., 1956), Comrades From the Western Front: Sketches (1964), How Long It Has Been: Novellas and Short Stories (1964), Land to Be Claimed (1969-70), and others. In 1952, Vorob’ev’s most important book, the novelHeight, was published. It portrayed the construction of a factory in the Southern Urals and was the basis for a film of the same name made in 1957. Vorob’ev has been awarded two orders as well as medals.