Clyde Strike of 1919

Clyde Strike of 1919


a general strike of workers that lasted from January 27 to February 11 in the industrial region along the Clyde River in Scotland.

The strike began as an unofficial job action, without the sanction of union leaders. It was led by shop stewards and workers’ committees. One of the leaders was W. Gallacher. Over 100,000 machinists, shipbuilders, dockers, and workers in other professions took part. During the strike bloody clashes occurred with the police and troops. The defeat of the strike and the government repressions were made possible by the de facto opposition of the trade union leaders to the action. The Clyde strike marked the start of a powerful surge in the labor movement in Great Britain from 1919 to 1921.


Gurovich, P. V. Pod’em rabochego dvizheniia v Anglii v 1918–1921 gg. Moscow, 1956.
Gallacher, W. Revolt on the Clyde. London, 1949.