Evgenii Zamarin
Zamarin, Evgenii Alekseevich
Born Dec. 10 (22), 1884, in Saratov; died Mar. 13, 1962, in Moscow. Soviet engineer specializing in hydrotechnology, member of the V. I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1948), Honored Worker in Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1943), member of the CPSU from 1945. After graduation from the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute in 1916, Zamarin worked as an engineer, conducting surveys for and designing and constructing hydraulic engineering structures. In 1932 he became a professor and director of the subdepartment of hydraulic engineering structures at the Moscow Institute for Water Management Engineers. Zamarin developed a theory of groundwater flow under hydraulic engineering structures. His main contributions are in the area of the theoretical foundations for the mathematical theory and design of water-intake structures and settling basins for irrigation systems and of the transport capability of open streams. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, three other orders, and medals.
Dvizhenie gruntovvkh rod pod gidrotekhnicheskimi sooruzheniiami. Tashkent, 1934.Gidmtekhnicheskie sooruzheniia, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1954. (With V. V. Fandeev.)