A&PArchitecture and Planning (various organizations)
A&PAnterior and Posterior
A&PGreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (US grocery store chain)
A&PAnatomy & Physiology
A&PAnalysis and Prediction
A&PAtlantic & Pacific
A&PAdministrative and Personal
A&PAirframe and Power
A&PAssessment and Plan (various organizations)
A&PAirframe & Powerplant
A&PAdvertising & Promotion
A&PAstronomy and Physics
A&PAdministrative and Personnel
A&PAgricultural & Pastoral
A&PAuscultation and Percussion
A&PAuscultation and Palpation
A&PAttraktiv & Preiswert (German branch of Atlantic and Pacific)
A&PAttitude and Pointing
A&PAirfields & Pavements