central tendon of perineum

cen·tral ten·don of per·i·ne·um

[TA] the fibromuscular mass between the anal canal and the urogenital diaphragm in the median plane onto which several perineal muscles insert (bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, superficial, and deep transverse perineal muscles); midline episiotomies extend into this structure. Synonym(s): centrum tendineum perinei [TA], perineal body, Savage perineal body

perineal body

A pyramidal fibromuscular mass which is intimately linked to the integrity of the pubic floor, especially in females, the rupture of which during vaginal delivery predisposes women to uterine, rectal and bladder prolapse. It is located at the midline of the perineum, at the junction between the urogenital triangle and the anal triangle.


Henry, English anatomist and gynecologist, 1810-1900. Savage perineal body - the fibromuscular mass between the anal canal and the urogenital diaphragm. Synonym(s): central tendon of perineum