familial pseudoinflammatory macular degeneration

familial pseu·do·in·flam·ma·to·ry mac·u·lar de·gen·er·a·tion

[MIM*136900] macular degeneration that occurs during the fifth decade of life, with sudden development of a central scotoma in one eye followed rapidly by a similar lesion in the opposite eye; autosomal dominant inheritance. Synonym(s): Sorsby macular degeneration

fa·mil·i·al pseu·do·in·flam·ma·to·ry mac·u·lar de·gen·er·a·tion

(fă-mil'ē-ăl sū'dō-in-flam'ă-tōr-ē mak'yŭ-lăr dĕ-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn) Macular degeneration that occurs during the fifth decade of life, with sudden development of a central scotoma in one eye followed rapidly by a similar lesion in the opposite eye.
Synonym(s): Sorsby macular degeneration.


Arnold, English ophthalmologist, 1900-1980. Sorsby macular degeneration - hereditary macular degeneration that occurs during the fifth decade of life. Synonym(s): familial pseudoinflammatory macular degenerationSorsby syndrome - congenital macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the extremities.