bumper to bumper

bumper to bumper

Very close together. Typically said of traffic that is moving very slowly or not at all. The cars on the highway are bumper to bumper right now—there's no way we'll get there on time.See also: bumper

bumper to bumper

[of traffic] close together and moving slowly. The traffic is bumper to bumper from the accident up ahead.See also: bumper


1 very close together, as cars in a traffic jam. 2 (chiefly of an insurance policy) comprehensive; all-inclusive.

ˌbumper to ˈbumper

if vehicles are bumper to bumper, there is so much traffic that they are very close together and can hardly move: Being a Friday evening, it was bumper to bumper on the main road leading out of town.A bumper is the bar fixed to the front and back of a vehicle to reduce the effect if it hits anything.See also: bumper