Dupuytren amputation

Du·puy·tren am·pu·ta·tion

(dū-pwē-tren[h]'), amputation of the arm at the shoulder joint.

Du·puy·tren am·pu·ta·tion

(dū-pwē'trahn[h] amp'yū-tā'shŭn) Surgical removal of the arm at the shoulder joint.


Baron Guillaume, French surgeon and surgical pathologist, 1777-1835. Dupuytren amputation - amputation of the arm at the shoulder joint.Dupuytren canal - one of the veins in the diploë of the cranial bones. Synonym(s): diploic veinDupuytren contracture - a disease of the palmar fascia resulting in thickening and shortening of fibrous bands on the palmar surface of the hand and fingers.Dupuytren diathesisDupuytren disease of the foot - nodular fibroblastic proliferation in plantar fascia of one or both feet. Synonym(s): plantar fibromatosisDupuytren enterotomeDupuytren exostosisDupuytren fascia - the thickened, central portion of the fascia ensheathing the hand. Synonym(s): palmar aponeurosisDupuytren fracture - fracture of lower part of fibula, with dislocation of ankle. Synonym(s): Pott I syndromeDupuytren hydrocele - bilocular hydrocele in which the sac fills the scrotum and also extends into the abdominal cavity beneath the peritoneum.Dupuytren knifeDupuytren operationDupuytren sign - (1) in congenital dislocation, free up-and-down movement of the head of the femur occurring upon intermittent traction; - (2) a crackling sensation on pressure over the bone in certain cases of sarcoma.Dupuytren splintDupuytren suture - a continuous Lembert suture.Dupuytren tourniquet - an instrument for compression of the abdominal aorta.